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Entries from October 1, 2006 - October 31, 2006


A CareBear's secret

it's raining, it's true,
but not hard enough
to keep a young lady
from strutting her stuff

it's Halloween night
and there's candy's around
I just have twelve teeth
but I'll still pound it down

assuming, of course,
I can sweet-talk my Mom,
but if she won't budge,
Dad's a softie, no prob.

Cause tonight I'm a CareBear,
all rainbows and pink,
and I'll try and wear this
tomorrow, I think.

People keep asking
"can you say 'trick or treat?'"
and I babble a little
and point at my feet

but if they knew my secret
that I talk, read and write,
they'd give me less candy
on this rainy night

so I'm off with my secret
a-wagging my tail
I'll say "a-blah-bah-gah"
and fill up my pail...

Sasquatch on the loose...

I play in about 45 minutes, here in Xenia, OH. Right when I walked in to the building I saw this awesome sign...

I know. So great.

They're playing Andrew Peterson's The Far Country while people are walking in and I'm realizing it's been a while since I've heard it. I have to say, hearing it now, I'm terribly proud to have been a part of that album. What an amazing experience. Working on that project is one of the highlights of my career so far, and right now, I don't want to play, but just sit here and listen to the heart of my friend.

I left my razor at home and woke up this morning with quite a stunning, um, hairy face, I guess you'd say. Jud, the promoter, got me something to clean up with, and about 30 seconds into the experience I realized the hot water wasn't working. It's a new building, and a great one, so no big deal, but my pride wouldn't let me run to another bathroom to finish my job. Especially since I was wearing this lovely shirt, courtesy of Portland Studios...

So, a cold shave, it was. But it's kind of nice, haven't felt my skin there for a while. Anyway, I should go and get ready to play. They've sold quite a number of tickets tonight, so I'm excited. And Alison is in a baby shower right now, so I'm also excited for that! Take care and have a great Sunday...

saving some daylight...

so it's late, but since I'm in Eastern time and it's daylight savings night, I'm really too tired to figure out how actually late it is. I just had one of those moments. Where you think, I've got to write a song.

So I did.

And I like it.

It's probably called "Always Been There" but it's too early to tell. If I still like it in the morning, I'll pitch it for the Caedmon's record. I feel like it could be one of the songs we're needing. I could also feel like an idiot in the morning for posting this.

I did, however, have a weird realization today: I've been in Caedmon's longer than I was in high school.

I have no idea if that should be profound or what, but I'm going to try to go to sleep again.

Thanks to everybody who came out tonight and who'll be at my solo show tomorrow. Having a lot of fun playing right now. G' night...

in a hotel in Ohio

I don't have much time but I wanted to drop in and say hey. We had a fun Caedmon's show last night in Pennsylavania, and then I played a really fun solo set at a place called the Farmhouse afterwards. It was this hundred-year old farm house that's been turned into a coffeehouse. The place was packed out, Todd came and played some perc and stuff with me, and the rest of Caedmon's sat on some stairs at the back of the room and seemed sort of like the grumpy old men in the Muppets who sit in the balcony. Those guys were always my favorites.

We're playing a Caedmon's show tonight here near Akron and then tomorrow I've got a solo show in Xenia, a few hours from here. Love to see as many of you out there as can make it!

Also, thanks to those of you who have been praying for my friend Kenny. I talked to him last night and he's still in the hospital. Not really sure how it's going at this point. I'll try to write a full post on Kenny sometime here soon. You guys would love him. Anyway, I need to get running. Take care...

Billy and the bgv's...

I'm a liner note reader. I'm guessing a lot of you are, too, since you're at my website and I pretty much exist publicly as a liner note. When I was a kid, I remember being uber-confused by the letters "bgv." I couldn't for the life of me figure out what they meant.

Well, now I know.

They stand for "background vocals."

And right now I'm over at Sputnik singing them on a project for Scott Phillips. I played electric on it last week and now they're just about done and I'm adding the bells and whistles. The electrics and the harmonies are my favorite parts of making records.

The problem today, though, is that Billy Cerveny is trying to get me fired. I've got my laptop here on a music stand with the lyrics and he ichatted (is that a word? "ichut?" "ichattied?") me this photo...

Now I can't stop laughing and I'm going to get in trouble.

Thanks Billy.