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in a hotel in Ohio

I don't have much time but I wanted to drop in and say hey. We had a fun Caedmon's show last night in Pennsylavania, and then I played a really fun solo set at a place called the Farmhouse afterwards. It was this hundred-year old farm house that's been turned into a coffeehouse. The place was packed out, Todd came and played some perc and stuff with me, and the rest of Caedmon's sat on some stairs at the back of the room and seemed sort of like the grumpy old men in the Muppets who sit in the balcony. Those guys were always my favorites.

We're playing a Caedmon's show tonight here near Akron and then tomorrow I've got a solo show in Xenia, a few hours from here. Love to see as many of you out there as can make it!

Also, thanks to those of you who have been praying for my friend Kenny. I talked to him last night and he's still in the hospital. Not really sure how it's going at this point. I'll try to write a full post on Kenny sometime here soon. You guys would love him. Anyway, I need to get running. Take care...

Reader Comments (5)

Statler and Waldorf were the bomb!

October 28, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMichael

I agree with Michael.

Enjoy my home state, Andrew. :)

October 28, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterGeof F. Morris

Great show here in Akron!!! :-) Now I know that you love CHICKEN!!!! LOL I was so glad you didn't eat any of the drums in the cup, though, that would've been too gross. Loved the songs from your new CD, but I was disappointed that it wasn't at the table (I already have the original Photographs). Guess I'll have to buy The Morning online! ;-)

Couple questions plagued me, though--where was Josh? Why didn't you guys play "Lead Of Love", which IS my favorite song, or any songs from The World Will Sing???? Inquiring minds want to know...

Anyway, I really honestly LOVED the worship, especially your hearts for the Dalits, and I'm so glad that I got to turn my mom into a Caedmon's Call fan (I took her to the concert for her birthday)!!!!

October 28, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterChristine

I am praying for Kenny...

October 29, 2006 | Unregistered Commentertk

my family and I loved the worship and praise for our Lord and Savior at the Pennsylvania show and enjoyed Todd and yourself at the coffee house after the show. we were the ones who met you before the show and had an entourage at the farmhouse. it was certainly a memorable evening for all of us. our children now are listening to CC's songs on their I-POD's and CD's. i believe God is using your music to touch their hearts. as i sit hear at work and listen to "i surrender all" and "we give thanks", i can't wait to hear your next recording. our prayers are with Kenny... until we meet again may The Soveriegn God of this Universe Bless You

October 31, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterDon Jakiel

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