
Man, it has been crazy the last few days. I have about sixteen things (exaggeration) to write about, so I'm just going to go stream-of-consciousness on you.
- All the gear is called for but the phaser. Someday phasers will be cool again and you'll all be like "Andy tried to sell one cheap and I didn't buy it and now they're worth 1.6 million dollars. Dang."
- I think I am going to sell the Tele. I don't want to give ebay a bunch of money, so tomorrow I'll start a separate page and we'll do our own little auction on here. Send me an email if you're interested and I'll keep you posted.
- I'm playing guitars on a record for Gotee artist Sarah Kelly. I gave myself the challenge of just using one guitar for the whole record and it's been awesome. The Les Paul and I are growing closer daily. However, I did need sounds from both my studio board and my live board, so we ended up just using them both. It's ridiculous.

(Note: this many pedals does not have anything to do with making better music)
- It is Halloween. In a few minutes I will go home to a ladybug and a bumblebee. The ladybug seems excited, though I have a feeling the bumblebee may be a tad reluctant. Either way, Alison and I will eat most of their candy. I know what you're thinking. That is really cheap rent.
- I just performed a guest spot for Andy Gullahorn's new record. Here is a picture...

- I love that the New York Times is free online now. I'm a news junkie.
- I've started watching Battlestar again from the beginning. It is awesome and no, I'm not a nerd.
- Ok, yes I am.
- My friend Bryan just started a new website discussing the intermingling of sports and religion. Very, very interesting and well written. CLICK HERE to check it out. Even for somebody who knows nothing at all about sports, I found it fascinating.
Ok, that's about all I can think of right now. Hopefully I'll get a little more time and can post again tomorrow.
Don't take candy from strangers.
Unless it looks like really good candy.
- All the gear is called for but the phaser. Someday phasers will be cool again and you'll all be like "Andy tried to sell one cheap and I didn't buy it and now they're worth 1.6 million dollars. Dang."
- I think I am going to sell the Tele. I don't want to give ebay a bunch of money, so tomorrow I'll start a separate page and we'll do our own little auction on here. Send me an email if you're interested and I'll keep you posted.
- I'm playing guitars on a record for Gotee artist Sarah Kelly. I gave myself the challenge of just using one guitar for the whole record and it's been awesome. The Les Paul and I are growing closer daily. However, I did need sounds from both my studio board and my live board, so we ended up just using them both. It's ridiculous.

(Note: this many pedals does not have anything to do with making better music)
- It is Halloween. In a few minutes I will go home to a ladybug and a bumblebee. The ladybug seems excited, though I have a feeling the bumblebee may be a tad reluctant. Either way, Alison and I will eat most of their candy. I know what you're thinking. That is really cheap rent.
- I just performed a guest spot for Andy Gullahorn's new record. Here is a picture...

- I love that the New York Times is free online now. I'm a news junkie.
- I've started watching Battlestar again from the beginning. It is awesome and no, I'm not a nerd.
- Ok, yes I am.
- My friend Bryan just started a new website discussing the intermingling of sports and religion. Very, very interesting and well written. CLICK HERE to check it out. Even for somebody who knows nothing at all about sports, I found it fascinating.
Ok, that's about all I can think of right now. Hopefully I'll get a little more time and can post again tomorrow.
Don't take candy from strangers.
Unless it looks like really good candy.