Crazy couple of days

So this has been a crazy couple of days. Monday was awesome. Eight dudes joined me for some rocking "Lunch n' Bowl". I lost. Last place. Ouch. Then about twenty or so folks joined Alison and I at Otter's for some chicken tenders and conversation. Todd and Garett dropped by as well, which was really fun.
Had a pretty amazing show at 12th and Porter later that night. First I played guitar with Lindsey Jones, always a good time. Then my crew joined me onstage for some rock and roll.

That's Emily Deloach singing background vocals, Winn Elliott on the keys, Paul Eckberg on drums, Chris Weigel on bass and Jim Colella on guitar. Quite honestly, one of the best groupings of musicians I've ever played with. Hopefully this gang will be with me at local shows for a while now. I can't thank them enough for their awesomeness.

And to prove that I live in a house with pre-schoolers, my setlist was written in crayon: (note the hints for the usual forgotten lyrics in black, guitar changes and capo settings in red)

Today, Alison and I got to go to Ella's PreKindergarten Spring Concert and Luncheon. Basically, a bunch of 3 and 4 year olds on a church stage singing cute little songs with cute little motions. Tears were shed for the sweetness.
Then I came home to this in my basement:

Yeah, this would be the SECOND time our kitchen sink has had a crazy leak into my basement studio. First time it was the pipes going FROM the sink. This time it was the col water TO it. Thankfully it wasn't near as gross as it looked at first, it was just a giant mess and took up a bunch of time I'd have rather spent mixing.
I'll post some more photos of the roadtrippers as I get them. Thanks to Geof, Chris, Josh, Doug, Michael, Tim, Andy V, Jaron and Katherine, Jud and his crew from Xenia and the boys from Alabama. You guys made for quite a day, and I barely drove at all! Glad you made it back safely. It's a dream come true to have people care so much about what my friends and I get to do. Hope you had a great time. Let's do it again soon.
Had a pretty amazing show at 12th and Porter later that night. First I played guitar with Lindsey Jones, always a good time. Then my crew joined me onstage for some rock and roll.

That's Emily Deloach singing background vocals, Winn Elliott on the keys, Paul Eckberg on drums, Chris Weigel on bass and Jim Colella on guitar. Quite honestly, one of the best groupings of musicians I've ever played with. Hopefully this gang will be with me at local shows for a while now. I can't thank them enough for their awesomeness.

And to prove that I live in a house with pre-schoolers, my setlist was written in crayon: (note the hints for the usual forgotten lyrics in black, guitar changes and capo settings in red)

Today, Alison and I got to go to Ella's PreKindergarten Spring Concert and Luncheon. Basically, a bunch of 3 and 4 year olds on a church stage singing cute little songs with cute little motions. Tears were shed for the sweetness.
Then I came home to this in my basement:

Yeah, this would be the SECOND time our kitchen sink has had a crazy leak into my basement studio. First time it was the pipes going FROM the sink. This time it was the col water TO it. Thankfully it wasn't near as gross as it looked at first, it was just a giant mess and took up a bunch of time I'd have rather spent mixing.
I'll post some more photos of the roadtrippers as I get them. Thanks to Geof, Chris, Josh, Doug, Michael, Tim, Andy V, Jaron and Katherine, Jud and his crew from Xenia and the boys from Alabama. You guys made for quite a day, and I barely drove at all! Glad you made it back safely. It's a dream come true to have people care so much about what my friends and I get to do. Hope you had a great time. Let's do it again soon.