Billy and the bgv's...

I'm a liner note reader. I'm guessing a lot of you are, too, since you're at my website and I pretty much exist publicly as a liner note. When I was a kid, I remember being uber-confused by the letters "bgv." I couldn't for the life of me figure out what they meant.
Well, now I know.
They stand for "background vocals."
And right now I'm over at Sputnik singing them on a project for Scott Phillips. I played electric on it last week and now they're just about done and I'm adding the bells and whistles. The electrics and the harmonies are my favorite parts of making records.
The problem today, though, is that Billy Cerveny is trying to get me fired. I've got my laptop here on a music stand with the lyrics and he ichatted (is that a word? "ichut?" "ichattied?") me this photo...

Now I can't stop laughing and I'm going to get in trouble.
Thanks Billy.
Well, now I know.
They stand for "background vocals."
And right now I'm over at Sputnik singing them on a project for Scott Phillips. I played electric on it last week and now they're just about done and I'm adding the bells and whistles. The electrics and the harmonies are my favorite parts of making records.
The problem today, though, is that Billy Cerveny is trying to get me fired. I've got my laptop here on a music stand with the lyrics and he ichatted (is that a word? "ichut?" "ichattied?") me this photo...

Now I can't stop laughing and I'm going to get in trouble.
Thanks Billy.
Reader Comments (12)
first of all... i am literally a 30 second walk from the studio where this news broadcast is filimed
second of all, i have laughed for about 2 minute straight about this, plus i called in all 3 co-workers to share in this laughter.
oh. not creed's scott phillips. whew. that's a relief!
In my best Sean Connery voice... "I'll take TheRapist for $500 Alex"
What Andrew didn't tell you was that he sent me that over IM thereafter, trying to mess with my mojo. I'm onto you, Osenga! :points at his eyes, points at Osenga:
And Andrew, if you wanna boggle, liner note guy, go take a look at" rel="nofollow">MusicBrainz. All that knowledge stuck in your head about liner notes and such? There's a place to put it all on the Internet. I have a standing action to get all your extra players for you records listed publicly, because I'm OCD like that.
That was a much needed laugh.
Geof, I spend a lot of time over on They list most major label album credits" rel="nofollow">I spend my time with MusicBrainz because the data is guaranteed to be openly available to all [given the licensing]. But then I'm a Communist.
I have spent many hours myself trying to figure out which instrument the "BGV" was. My best guess was some sort of organ...
Hey, looking forward to the McMurray show tomorrow, especially the coffee shop show afterwards (is that free?). See ya then!
Ah, the old "what the heck is a BGV?" question... One I dealt with in days gone by. Then one day had an epiphany that led me to realize what they are.
And the pic, I had to show everyone in the room. It's too late to laugh as hard as I just did.
That is one amazing picture...definitely one I wish I had seen while I was in a studio tonight. but still fun afterwards, too
Thanks for that! It's so funny that I had to put it on my blog too...oh and here's something else that I thought was real neat. Click" rel="nofollow">here to check out a funny you tube video.