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Blog History

Entries from July 1, 2011 - July 31, 2011



One of my favorite productions of the past year was just released on iTunes.  It's an EP by Jon Troast titled "A".  Click HERE or on the photo to take you to it.  We're starting "B" next month and I couldn't be more excited.

Jon snapped this shot of me playing guitar on it.  So fun.


I love this.

A sweet shot of Sadie and I on our nightly family walks down the street.  I love this.


A few pics from our Summer

Here are a few photos from our Summer.

These are all shots from Frontier Ranch, up in Colorado.

This was my view every evening at club.




This was the long table that was set out on our last evening each week.

Great food and such a cool thing to see, one giant table full of friends and great food.

















These are the guys I worked with most: J.D., Scott, my bad self and Cody.

Awesome dudes.


Last week

This is our last week of YoungLife camp. The seventh, as we've spent four here at Sharptop Cove in Georgia after three and a half at Frontier Ranch in Colorado.

It's been an incredible time, for our family and for me personally. I'm super excited to get back home next week, though, and (after sleeping for a few days) dive into the Leonard project.

I wanted to share a picture of my little girls at a little waterfall the other day. This sure beats watching cartoons everyday. So wonderful.