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Blog History

Entries from May 1, 2011 - May 31, 2011


We have achieved Lift-Off!!

Thank you everyone so much!!  We crossed the threshold yesterday around lunchtime.  I was attending my 4-year-old's preschool Spring Luncheon while it happened.  After lunch I headed off to bowling (my usual Wednesday lunch plans) and discovered a volley of facebook/twitter/email Leonard love.

I was (am) totally overwhelmed and honored by this.  Over 300 people have given money for a record that hasn't been made yet.  And some of you gave a LOT of money!!

It's said all the time, but rarely is it so obvious: 

I couldn't do this without you.

Thank you.

We've still got about 22 hours left (until 9 Central Friday night) and all the funds that come in now will be set aside for the video component.  Which is a whole new world of fun for me.  I can't wait.

So tell your friends!  Make sure you get the T-shirt or the custom guitar pedal!  Last chance!!

And thank you!!!  I'll write again tomorrow after all is said and done.