Sunday Night

Well, it's Sunday night and the new week is about to start. The studio is being rented out this week, so I'll do some editing on my record upstairs on my laptop Monday so I can turn it in to start the mixing process. I can't believe it's so close to being done. Alison and I are going to finish up the background vocals here in a few minutes and that should be about it.
As for the work last week on the record I only have five words: trombone. trumpet. me. Auto-Tune.
I'm going to attempt to put in a new hardwood floor in our kitchen this week. That should be interesting. My friend Jason Feller might be able to help out for a couple days, which would be great. Not only would it be nice to have another hand, but he's a good friend I haven't seen enough of recently and it'd be fun to hang out for a few.
He played a show Friday night at our church's little music venue, 12 South. He did great. My cousin Dean helped out on guitar for him. He's my evil twin, in case you're curious. He's my twin because he looks like me. He's evil because that's way more fun than having a regular twin. And he's the road manager for Casting Crowns. That was a joke. Anyway, Greg Adkins, whose record I produced last year, and Arthur Alligood, whose record I want to produce this year, also played and both did great sets with mostly new songs. It was fun to sit and listen to music and not play at all. I think the last time I just went and heard music was Paul Moak's wedding, where Kenny Meeks played at the reception. Man, that was good.
Alison's writing a post on her blog right now, so I'm just kind of procrastinating on here until she's done and I can read it. She's a great writer and I always enjoy her thoughts. We're going to have a TV-free zone this week. Move it out of the living room and not let it take up as much of our lives as it sometimes can. I'm looking forward to it. I doubt I'll miss it (although we might wait until after "24".)
Well, that's about it for me today. If I get crazy I'll post some photos of yours truly's attempt at home improvement. Wednesday I'll be posting a few clips of songs off the new record for you to listen to. They've been up on the pre-order site for a few days and people have been very kind about them. Anyway, have a great end to your weekends and I'll write again soon.
As for the work last week on the record I only have five words: trombone. trumpet. me. Auto-Tune.
I'm going to attempt to put in a new hardwood floor in our kitchen this week. That should be interesting. My friend Jason Feller might be able to help out for a couple days, which would be great. Not only would it be nice to have another hand, but he's a good friend I haven't seen enough of recently and it'd be fun to hang out for a few.
He played a show Friday night at our church's little music venue, 12 South. He did great. My cousin Dean helped out on guitar for him. He's my evil twin, in case you're curious. He's my twin because he looks like me. He's evil because that's way more fun than having a regular twin. And he's the road manager for Casting Crowns. That was a joke. Anyway, Greg Adkins, whose record I produced last year, and Arthur Alligood, whose record I want to produce this year, also played and both did great sets with mostly new songs. It was fun to sit and listen to music and not play at all. I think the last time I just went and heard music was Paul Moak's wedding, where Kenny Meeks played at the reception. Man, that was good.
Alison's writing a post on her blog right now, so I'm just kind of procrastinating on here until she's done and I can read it. She's a great writer and I always enjoy her thoughts. We're going to have a TV-free zone this week. Move it out of the living room and not let it take up as much of our lives as it sometimes can. I'm looking forward to it. I doubt I'll miss it (although we might wait until after "24".)
Well, that's about it for me today. If I get crazy I'll post some photos of yours truly's attempt at home improvement. Wednesday I'll be posting a few clips of songs off the new record for you to listen to. They've been up on the pre-order site for a few days and people have been very kind about them. Anyway, have a great end to your weekends and I'll write again soon.