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Entries from July 1, 2010 - July 31, 2010


Counting Stars

I worked this morning at Mitch's, singing background vocals on a very fun worship project.  I love singing bgv's.  So free and creative.  And hanging with the Mitch is never a bad time.

In other news, Andrew Peterson's new record, Counting Stars, released today and is currently #1 in the Christian section of iTunes!  I co-wrote a song on this and played electric on a few tunes.  Andrew's making it hard for me to have a favorite record of his, because he keeps releasing new ones that are as great as the ones I was already in love with.  It's not fair.  And you need to check out the record.

So now it's back to work here at my studio.  Finishing catching up on cleaning and correspondence and will finish up a master of Seth Harper's EP from last month and then maybe start a little writing.


And I'll probably do a little more bass guitar shopping.  If anybody knows of a good one for sale on the cheap...

All right, iFriends.  Thanks for spending a minute in my world.  Hope you're having a great day.

(Oh, and a couple pedals are still for sale, if you're interested!)


Back at the studio.

This is me today...

It's my first day back at the studio since our four weeks at Crooked Creek and my drive and shows to and fro.

I'm tired.

But, wow, what a great time we had.  We got to meet some amazing people in a beautiful place.  We got to see Jesus working in the hearts and conversations of people we grew to love.

Can't ask for a better Summer.

Thank you so much to all of you I met at Crooked Creek this past month.  You guys treated my family and my so well and we so thoroughly enjoyed being with you.

And to everybody who came to my shows in Omaha, Kansas City and Denver.  Thank you!  And I can't even begin to know how to thank Laura, Rick and Ryan for putting the shows together.

We are so grateful to get to walk with you.

And now I've got to get back to work.  Selling some pedals, general clean-up and fixing stuff around the studio, and most importantly, writing some new songs.  Love it.  See you tomorrow.


Selling Some Pedals

Since I'm not touring as much these days, I'm going to get rid of some of my live pedals.  Most of them I have more than one of anyway, so I'm just going to put the money back into the studio.  So here, for you, some deals on good pedals.  

Click the names of the pedals for links to official info.

Just CONTACT me if you'd like to buy anything.  In the US, shipping will be included.  Thanks!

Boss DD-20 GigaDelay

This is my favorite digital delay.  I have one on my big board as well.  It does the best emulations I've heard yet.  

It has four presets, that's what the tape is on the right side.  Mine were a heavy Memory Man, slap delay, lighter Memory Man and Space Echo.  I had to program the Space Echo when I filled in with Jars of Clay and I fell in love with it.  

Has tap tempo and you can adjust the tone of the echoes.  And everything is accessible on the top.  No menus!!  The tape on the left side was just to make the button higher, as it sat behind another pedal on my board.  

$175 with box and manual. 

Line6 MM4 Modulation Modeler

This box has a bunch of different modulations: tremolos, vibratos, leslie and roto sounds, flangers, phasers, etc... I have the presets set up for a leslie, fast tremolo, slow tremolo and a pitch vibrato.  The vibrato I didn't use a ton, but it was my favorite of all the sounds.  So cool.  

I don't have the power supply for it, because, well, I have no idea why, I just can't find it.  I always had it plugged into the power supplies on my pedal board.  So if you have a good power supply, you'll be fine.  (I'll let you know if I stumble upon it.)

Great sounding pedal.  Used it for years.


Line6 Echo Park Delay

This is the smaller sized version of the big green delay everybody uses.  It has the same sounds, just a smaller footprint and no presets.  It's way easier to use, in my opinion.  

I have two of them and just don't need both anymore.  I use it mainly for the auto-volume swell sound.  It's brilliant.  And the delays are pretty great.  I LOVE how the tap tempo works on this.  It's a fantastic little pedal.

$90 with box and manual.









Boss RV-3 Reverb/Delay - SOLD!!!

A classic.  Rare and sought after.  

All the dreamscape bands used this pedal.  Lush and never-ending.  It has great delays, great reverbs, but you can use them at the same time, which is why it's so awesome.  

I looked for it for quite a while and used it a ton.  I just use plugins for that kind of vibe in the studio, so I don't need the pedal.  But you do.  They're a good catch on ebay, so I'll put it under that price.










VisualSound H2O - Liquid Chorus and Echo.SOLD!!!

The good, old metal housed version.

New versions of this pedal are in a cheap, plastic housing.  Not a fan.  The old ones are metal, a bit larger, and feel way more sturdy to me.  This one has the old bucket brigade chip, the secret to the sound.  I love both the delay and the chorus, and the fact that each only has three knobs.  So simple.  Just play music!  

I loved to use this on acoustic gigs.  I feel both sounds work fantastic on acoustic guitar.  I just have two of them and don't need them both.



Concert Night

Tonight is night 5 - aka "concert night". I play a short set of solo tunes and tell a few stories. Stu, the kitchen manager, loaned me his old 60's Electar amp. Super dirty and vibey. Concert is in 15 minutes. Going to be fun!


Week 3

We're here in week 3 of 4 at camp. It's been a hectic but amazing time. Getting to know some amazing people an watching God do some incredible things.

Also, I took my girls to drive the ridge runners.