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Entries from October 1, 2006 - October 31, 2006


not going to make it tonight

Hey Nashvillains - it's a little last minute, but I'm not going to be able to make it out to the Square Peg show tonight. Everybody else will still be there, and I'm sure the show will be better for my absence. If you go, tell the gang hello for me. Sorry...

Now you see me...

So I feel like I haven't played out a whole lot recently and probably wasn't going to much for a while, and then I looked at my calendar. I've got eleven shows between now and the end of the month. Four solo shows, four Caedmon's shows and three Square Peg shows. That's seven shows where I'll be playing only, or mainly, acoustic. So I built an acoustic pedal board, cause that's how I roll...

In the next 14 days I will be in Tennessee (duh), Texas, Washington, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Ohio.

After this string of shows I'll be mainly lying low in Nashville, in the studio and the delivery room, for the rest of the year. I'd love to go out with a bang and have a great crew at every show, so the internet bludgeoning here begins....


Featuring: Andrew Peterson, Sandra McCracken, Chris Mason, Andrew Osenga, Randall Goodgame, Billy Cerveny, Matthew Perryman Jones
Oct. 17, Tuesday
Radio Cafe
corner of 14th and Woodland
Nashville, TN
8 PM

Oct. 19, Thursday
Live @ the DEN
Christ Chapel Bible Church
3740 Birchman Ave.
Fort Worth, TX
9 PM

Oct. 20, Friday
The Criswell Center
1707 San Jacinto
Dallas, TX
10 PM

Oct. 21, Saturday
Grace Bible Church
8521 67th Ave NE
Marysville, WA
7 pm

Oct. 22, Sunday
Village Baptist Church
330 SW Murray Blvd.
Beaverton, OR
6 PM

Benefit Concert for The Refuge Center for Counseling
Featuring: Matthew Perryman Jones, Eric Peters, Andrew Osenga, Jill Phillips, and Andrew Peterson
Oct. 24, 2006
The Peoples Church
828 Murfreesboro Rd. (Mack Hatcher Parkway & Hwy 96)
Franklin, TN
7:30 PM

Oct. 27, Friday
South Hills Bible Chapel
300 Gallery Drive
McMurray, PA
7:30 PM

Oct. 27, Friday
Farmhouse Coffee Shop
McMurray, PA
11:30ish (following Caedmons concert)

Oct. 28, Saturday
The Chapel
135 Fir Hill
Akron, OH
7:30 PM

Oct. 29, Sunday
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Xenia, OH
7 pm

Featuring: a bunch of us
Oct. 31, Tuesday
Radio Cafe
corner of 14th and Woodland
Nashville, TN
8 PM
wear a costume


why does the devil have all the good music?

Ok, I'm sort of embarassed to have seen this live, since it was on Oprah, but my wife came to visit me at Paul's studio on Friday and she yelled for me to come see it, and I'm glad I did.

Bono singing Peter Gabriel's Don't Give Up with Alicia Keyes.

Un-freaking-believable vocals from Bono, and one of my favorite Peter Gabriel songs of all time. This was one of the best things I've seen on TV. And the RED campaign they did it for seems like a pretty great thing as well.

Despair of Herod on finding children convalescing from the massacre

Woke up in the middle of the night, couldn't go back to sleep, ended up finding some G.K. Chesterton sketches, and I thought this one was brilliant...

I think I'll need to write a big ol' post about Mr. Gilbert Keith, my favorite author, sometime. Right now, though, I ought to try to go back to sleep.

I wish I could think in secret code

Well, my family left, I did the music for my neighbors' wedding and ended up babysitting a different neighbor's two-year-old boy while Alison and that neighbor got a stray kitten out of the front-end engine area of a mini-van in the Kroger parking lot. It's been a great day, but I'm so tired words aren't getting to my brain as fast as I need them to for speech and so I'm going to bed. I'll fill you in more tomorrow. Au revoir! (what does that mean?)