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saving some daylight...

so it's late, but since I'm in Eastern time and it's daylight savings night, I'm really too tired to figure out how actually late it is. I just had one of those moments. Where you think, I've got to write a song.

So I did.

And I like it.

It's probably called "Always Been There" but it's too early to tell. If I still like it in the morning, I'll pitch it for the Caedmon's record. I feel like it could be one of the songs we're needing. I could also feel like an idiot in the morning for posting this.

I did, however, have a weird realization today: I've been in Caedmon's longer than I was in high school.

I have no idea if that should be profound or what, but I'm going to try to go to sleep again.

Thanks to everybody who came out tonight and who'll be at my solo show tomorrow. Having a lot of fun playing right now. G' night...

Reader Comments (6)

That's great! Can't wait to hear I should be looking out for a Caedmon's cd with the song entitled "Always Been There" then? I can't wait! Oh and Wow you've been with Caedmon's longer than highschool, how'd that happen? Jeff and I were watching the Caedmon's Video tonight about you know how they came to be and all and ya we didn't finish it but we got to the year 2000 and it didn't mention you at all, and I'm not sure if you were on there, but, if you are a year older than I of which I think you are then that would mean that you would have graduated from grade 12 in about 1997 and now it's 2006, so that's 9 years. And if you were in highschool for 5 years then YES you ARE right! You HAVE been with Caedmon's 4 years longer than you were in highschool, CRAZY! I'm curious though, were you in fact on their video, maybe in the background, backstage, of one of their concerts like Josh was? (He was in the church's orcheastra with a bowtie on watching them perform and a couple years later he was performing with them, which I thought was pretty funny).

October 29, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterDemara

Yeah, the other day it occurred to me how long you'd been in the band, and I said something to Bryan about it, and it made us feel very old.

October 29, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterGeof F. Morris

You know. I have never written a song or anything. But I do know it seems to me people do their best work when they are having fun doing it.

I bet we wind up seeing that song on the album.

You could always record a preview for the Osenganites.

Just sayin...

October 29, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterSteven

Really enjoyed the concert at The Chapel in Green. You guys did an excellent job. Good luck with the new baby!

October 29, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterDave Jagger

I really enjoyed the concert last night in Akron. I appreciate that you guys are more than good music, and seize the opportunity to
to challenge people in 'living' their faith. I am looking forward to the next concert!

October 29, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterDavid Ross

Thanks for sharing Andy! I totally know that feeling although it's been too long since I've felt it. The songs that come out of that feeling are usually stinking cool! I hope that you still like it and pitch it and I look forward to hearing it on the record. I'm just really stoked about new caedmon's in general (:

Take Care,

October 29, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterTom

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