First, the big news: Click
here which will take you to the new front page for my site. Click the Album Player to hear the entire album
The Morning. If you've been reading me blab on and on about it, but have yet to actually HEAR it, now's your chance. And for free. Please let me know what you think about it, both the record and the player.
In other web-land news, the new
Square Peg Alliance site will be up and live next week. We're anticipating it going up on Tuesday. The finishing touches are being done right now and it looks great and will hopefully add some fuel to the fire of that community.
Over here on stuff will be changing soon as well. The site will be having a face-lift, courtesy of my good buddy Mr. Chip Hayner, next week. The site will be the same, but the look and feel will better represent the new album. You know, the one you can
hear for free right here. Dead horse, I know...
In yet MORE Andy-land news, my store will very soon start to be handled by
the Aware Store. It will still have the look and feel of this site, but orders will go through their FAR more organized system, and they'll handle the warehousing and shipping, so you won't have to wait for me to get off the road or out of the studio to get your cd to you. This is probably way more exciting to me than you, but it will be a huge load off of my shoulders, and I'll be glad to be able to be confident that every order will be handled quickly and professionally (i.e. and not in my basement...).
Finally leaving this virtual world we're starting to call home, Alison, Ella and I will be heading down to Texas on Saturday for the first ever Caedmon's Call retreat. Now that the band is independent we have a whole lot of things to figure out. We'll start with the "who's actually
in the band" stuff first, and then move on to the next record and touring and how we're going to start handling all that stuff. Also, we'll finally get all FOUR of the new Caedmon's babies together, the cute scale will break, and yes, I'll post pictures.
Cliff has a good friend at a car dealership down there who is going to try and help Alison and I get a new car (or two). Please pray for us that we'd find safe and good cars at a price we can afford. We're pretty sure it's going to work out and we're really excited. Neither of ours are running right now and we're ready to stop bumming rides. And I'm ready for air-conditioning and a tape player. The 80's. I know. Anyway, we go see him on Monday so I'll let you know how it goes.
Well, Ella sleeps in for no daddy, so I best get my butt in bed. If anybody has any photos from the show the other night at the Mercy Lounge, please send them to me and I'll get them up here. Have a great Friday!
Oh, and I was finally able to get my stuff on iTunes. It will probably take a month or more to wind its way through their system and actually be available in the store, but it will be there for sure. Thanks everybody for writing them and asking for me! You guys made it possible.