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Entries from December 1, 2005 - December 31, 2005


new ebay stuff

Ok, a couple of preamps are up on ebay right now. I've got a session to go to, so I'll post the other stuff (a vintage Shure line mixer, a huge power conditioner and a couple cases) later tonight. Go to the link for "My ebay" over here ----> to check it out. Thanks!

the last Thursday night of '05

wow, it's a busy season. I stepped off the tour bus early, early Monday morning, Dec. 19 and don't feel like I've stopped since. We traveled to Normal for a few days to celebrate Christmas, saw about 8000 people and headed right back home. It was good to see all our family and friends, but it was a bit hectic.

It's been great to be back home, I should say, though. Ella started crawling about a week ago so we've been grabbing everything below knee-level and moving it somewhere safe, which of course meant moving this shelf so that shelf could go here and then this chair should probably go over here where the thing is so we'll move that to the closet where the other things where and... you get the idea.

In other news, I've been looking for a small workspace that's NOT my basement to set up the studio, thus allowing me to finish the guitar part even during baby naptime. It's been great working at home but the times they are a'changin. So if anybody happens to have a space to rent, let me know...

I'll also be clearing out a bunch of gear on ebay hopefully tomorrow. A FocusRite ISA 428, a couple of different ART channel strips, a small console and various other stuff. Stay posted. And please buy it.

Oh, and I got an elliptical machine for Christmas so the next time you see me I'll be ripped.

I should probably get to bed. Hope you all had a great Christmas. We continue to and are grateful for this time with our families and friends.

Oh, and thanks to all of you who picked up copies of "Coming to Life" last week. So many of you put a friend's address as the shipping destination and I thought that was awesome. It was so cool to watch people sharing the music with other people. That's the greatest thing an artist can ever hope to see and it was an unexpected blessing. On behalf of all of the guys I thank you very much. And with that, I bid you adieu...


from my family to yours...

the cut

I forgot I meant to post this picture on Sunday. This is a camera phone shot of my new haircut, one side by Jill Phillips, the other by Sandra McCracken. Yes, those are children's activity scissors we found in a drawer at a church. And yes, I'll be getting it fixed before Christmas...

the haircut

"Coming to Life" $5 Christmas Sale!

For all you last-minute shoppers out there who were wondering what out-of-print cd by a tragically under-appreciated* Nashville rock band you were going to get for all your friends and neighbors, I have good news for you. From now until Friday I'm going to offer The Normals' "Coming to Life" album for $5 with no limit. This was the first of two records we made that really, we thought, defined the band they way we wanted to be. I still play songs from this album every solo show, because I love it. So, since I'm almost out of every other cd, AND I enjoy spreading love for my friends and what we created together, I give you:

the $5 "Coming to Life" extravaganza...

Also, I should say this, if you're wanting to order something from the site this week, orders will be shipped out daily until Friday at noon, after that the next shipping date will be Wednesday after Christmas. Thanks!