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Blog History

Entries from May 1, 2009 - May 31, 2009


Ellie's Run 2009

June 13.  I'm running a race, and trying to rope in as many friends and family members as I can.  It's called Ellie's Run for Africa.  I ran it last year and it was a blast.

The best part is that all the money raised goes to help get supplies to kids in Africa so they can go to school.  25 bucks buys eight books, two uniforms and a pair of shoes; the requirements to attend.

CLICK HERE to go to my account and help out.

Tiny Dancer

My oldest daughter E had her first ballet recital last night. So sweet. She was, is, and for a long while will be, so excited about it. My arm is still sore from holding the video camera in the air for 45 minutes. It was also the last day of nursery/pre-school. I sound like an old man, but they are growing up so fast. Last night was tender and precious, a little bitter but mostly sweet.

Besides that I've been busy in the studio. Doing a ton of mixing/mastering these days. I'm new to that world, but I've really been enjoying it. Can't wait til you get to hear Randall Goodgame's tune on next month.

I've spending quite a bit of time on my next "big idea". It's the weirdest one I've had yet, but I think it's probably worth doing. That's all I feel I can say right now, but soon and very soon you'll be invited to be a part and I'm excited.

Besides writing and recording I've been slowly starting to pursue what may very well be a leading to a whole new world. I've been talking with some folks, praying with others, and am hoping to find both a clear calling and a resource to allow me to more fully use my gifts to both help younger artists and provide for my family without always feeling the tug of the road. You can pray for me, I'd appreciate that. I wish I had a better way to say what this means to me, but it's still a bit amorphous in my head, though it's becoming somewhat concrete in my heart.

Anyway, Steve Hindalong is here now and we're going to cut a demo for a tune we wrote way too long ago. I'm always excited to spend some time with him. Should be fun. Talk soon.


It's been a fun week.  I played in a round at the legendary Bluebird Cafe last night, always a blast to play there.  A great artist I just produced, Brice Ash, hosted the round and Kelleigh Bannen and Shannon Cain rounded out the evening.

I've been writing a few times this week with a band called Remedy Drive, which has been fun.  Other than that just working a ton in the studio.  Finishing up a Randall Goodgame tune and some of my own for  I've been doing my songs with Cason Cooley.  Here's a shot of him editing some percussion in his new studio.


Today I played bass on a project for Brendan McCarthy.  Mitch did a record for him last year that I played and sang on and I really enjoyed working with him.  This EP is looking to be even better.  I'll play guitar and sing on it later this week and next.  I can't wait.

Today I got the awesome experience of playing this gorgeous 1964 Gibson Thunderbird.  This was seriously rad.


It's finally stopped raining here in Nashville for a few minutes, so I'm going to head out and get a little run.  Who else is going to see Star Trek on Friday night?  I'm going to see the crazies in their Klingon costumes!