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Blog History

Entries from March 1, 2007 - March 31, 2007


Blades of Glory is awesome

Seriously. It was great. Nick and I watched it this afternoon cause we had a couple hours to kill.

Our flight here to Nebraska got seriously delayed yesterday and we ended up getting to the venue at 7 for a 7:30 show. A couple guys offered to sit in on drums and bass, and since I can never turn down the opportunity for a guitar solo I agreed. Well, our first rehearsal was last night's show. That, my friends, is rock and roll.

My mic cut out a couple times and our monitors were aimed Iowa, but it was fun. Here are a couple photos a kind fellow named Danny sent me...



I'm sitting here at the Foundry where we just watched one of the other bands soundcheck. Adam Weaver and the Ghosts. They seem really great, I can't wait to catch their set.

All right, it's dinner time. I'll drop in again later tonight or tomorrow.

Save Lives in Africa

My friend Matthew Smith has built a Squidoo lens that is up for Lens of the Year. I won't lie and act like I know exactly what it is or what it does, but you can see it right here and you can read Matthew talk about it right here.

100% of the proceeds go to Blood:Water Mission, so you can help him help Africa and vote for it here. Today is the last day, so waste not your time eFriends!!

Also, if you have five minutes to laugh uproariously while wasting time, go here. This is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.

Nebraska, take 2... (and Kansas!)

"Go West, Young Man," ol' Smitty said, and I'm heeding his advice once again. Thursday morning I'll be heading back for a few more shows in Nebraska, and one in Kansas.

My friend Nick Flora will be joining me, mostly for the hang, but he'll help me out on a few tunes and play one or two of his own as well.

Love to see as many folks out as can make it. Here are the dates...

March 29
815 O Street
Lincoln, NE
w/ Jason Cooper and digory
Show at 7PM

March 30
The Foundry
6051 Maple Street
Omaha, NE
w/ Adam Weaver and the Ghosts and Jared Strock
Show at 8PM

March 31
Greer Auditorium (Central Christian College)
McPherson, KS
Show/Songwriting Seminar
3-4:30 PM

April 1
City Church
3223 N 45th Street
Omaha, NE 68104
10:45 am

More Gear for Sale

I'm doing my annual Spring cleaning/studio re-setting up/needing money gear sale. I'll put this stuff on ebay but I wanted to give you guys first dibs because a) I like to keep stuff in the family and b) Ebay's a hassle I'd rather not deal with.

So as not to waste valuable blog space, here's a link to the nerdiness...

It's mostly small-scale recording bits and pieces and then one guitar pedal. Nothing over $75. Good times.

That rascally Derek...

My friend Derek has a great story about him in the USA TODAY right now. Click HERE to read it. What do you think about what he says? Agree? Disagree?