today's title

I'm over here at the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Paul, aka Sir Eckburg's studio and we just finished up the day working on Kevin Lawson's record. We'll keep working tomorrow with the drums and bass, supplied by Mr. Eckburg and the honorable Aaron Sands. It's been a fun day and we've gotten some great sounds. We're going to try an idea I heard was used on old Tom Petty records tomorrow and if it works I'll tell you about it. If not, we'll act like it never happened.
Most of you who pre-ordered The Morning have gotten it by now and I've gotten a lot of great comments and e-mails. Thank you so much! I'll start ramping up with the blog campaign idea probably over the weekend, so if that interested you at all, please stay tuned.
For now I've got to go run some errands and I think we may eat dinner with the Braggs tonight (mainly to watch babies play together). Have a great Wednesday and I'll write again soon.
Most of you who pre-ordered The Morning have gotten it by now and I've gotten a lot of great comments and e-mails. Thank you so much! I'll start ramping up with the blog campaign idea probably over the weekend, so if that interested you at all, please stay tuned.
For now I've got to go run some errands and I think we may eat dinner with the Braggs tonight (mainly to watch babies play together). Have a great Wednesday and I'll write again soon.