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Entries from September 1, 2007 - September 30, 2007


Good Vibrations

I played "There is a Reason" this morning at Alison's parents' church. I enjoyed it.

I've said many times before that I believe a church is usually a terrible place for a rock and roll concert. In a traditional church building sound bounces all around, so drums are a mush, lighting has to fit in weird angles, pews make for awkward seating. There is often a cross or crucifix or a bunch of banners; things to take the focus away from what's being presented and put it on other things.

But all those things are why sometimes I really enjoy just walking up with my guitar and singing a song.

The band at their church had in-ear monitors, digital drums, headset mics, that sort of thing. They asked if I wanted to use any of it and I said no.

In this kind of room, you don't really even use the sound system that much. You just sort of step back and sing and play. The sound carries. You don't need a monitor, the sound just swirls around you.

I love the feeling of being exposed in this way. Of having nothing between me and the congregation. It's like I'm almost in the audience to my own performance. And so for a split second, I can focus on that cross, too.

down with the forward

We're staying with Alison's folks for a few days here in Durham, NC. They have a ton of books, all over the place. I love it. I never bring anything to read, I just peruse until I find something interesting, and I'm rarely disappointed.

Last night I found G.K. Chesterton's "The Ball and the Cross" which I had bought a few years ago. I was really into it, probably halfway through, brought it on a plane and left it in the backseat pocket. Whoops.

I picked it up to start over last night, thrilled that I could finally finish (from the beginning) this book. And I made the mistake of reading a bit of the foreward.

So here's my question: Why do the people who write forwards always give away everything in the book? I don't like it. They should be at the end, like bonus features on a DVD. If you like the book then... "yeah! there's some more stuff about it right here!"

Just my two cents.

Oh, also, if you didn't read the interview I linked to a week or so ago, Infuze magazine is running the same interview again. CLICK HERE to read it.

Sunday Festival Update

The festival I'm playing on Sunday, in Cary, NC, just announced some good news and some bad news.

The good news? The festival is now free, and Glen Phillips gets to play longer.

The bad news? Marc Cohn and Mat Kearney won't be there anymore.

The schedule has changed a bit, but my 6:00 slot is the same. Hope to see you there!

I can't wait.

So I'm kind of excited. This weekend I'm playing a solo set at a festival where a few other friends will be playing as well. Derek Webb, Sandra McCracken, Alli Rogers... Should be a good time.

Oh, and Mat Kearney's headlining so Cason, Will, Tyler and Paul will be there. Good times.

And it's in North Carolina the day after my wife's high school reunion so my family will be there with me.

There was something else...

Oh yeah.

Glen Phillips is playing.

And Marc Cohn.

I mean...

Marc Cohn.

I can't wait.

CLICK HERE for info about the festival. CLICK HERE for the good reason behind the festival.

that wasn't so bad...

Well... That went a LOT better than I'd expected. I'd say it was actually one of my favorite Caedmon's shows yet. It wasn't "perfect" but it was a lot of fun. The crowd was absolutely amazing and they let me feel really natural while singing the songs I wasn't as comfortable with.

Josh was here and, once again, saved the day with his ability to play any instrument at any minute in any key on any song. He'd just sense what wasn't working and fill those holes.

We also played Crowded House's "Don't Dream It's Over", Josh took the second verse, and it was really fun. I imagine it won't be the last time.

Still haven't heard from Cliff and Danielle yet, but I'll let you know when I do.

So thanks to all of you for your prayers and encouragement, and THANK YOU to all the folks at the show tonight. I had a blast and you guys were great. (Except for the clapping...)