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Blog History

Entries from October 1, 2010 - October 31, 2010


Weekend with Jars

Whew.  What a crazy couple of weeks.

I've been recording a record in the day, going home for dinner, and heading back to the studio in the evenings working on some other projects.  Not much time to blog, though I'm grateful for all the great music I'm getting to work on.

Last weekend I had a lot of fun, filling in on guitar with Jars of Clay, while Matt Odmark was at his brother's wedding.

They played straight through their first record and then finished the show with a bunch of the later hits and some cuts from their new record, The Shelter.  That record is incredible and you should buy it.  

Their first record, however, was a huge influence on me.  I learned guitar by playing along to that record.  So it was really fun to be a part of recreating the songs with those guys.  Here's a fun clip from our Indiana show...

Mike needs to get married more often.