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Entries from August 1, 2010 - August 31, 2010


My Old Amp

Last night I played at that Peter Gabriel/Phil Collins covers show.  It was an absolute blast.  I was feeling kind of lazy so I asked my friend Paul, who was playing guitar for a different band that night, if I could borrow his amp.  He kindly said, "Sure."

So it was our turn to play and I went to pick up the amp, an old Vox AC30, and thought, "Man, these handles feel familiar."  Most AC30's have vinyl handles, but the handles on this were leather, like an old AC30 I used to have.  That amp was with me through the last few years of the Normals and through my first couple years in Caedmon's, until it fell off a loading dock and smashed into pieces.

Ooh, that hurt.  I loved that amp.  I sold it for parts, since you needed a baggie to carry the guts of it around after the fall.  The insurance money on it bought me my BadCat, which I have absolutely adored, and frankly, would choose over the AC30.  But just barely...

Anyway, I set Paul's amp on the stage and plugged in the power cable.  It plugged straight into the back, not under the back panel like most AC30s.  My old amp plugged into the back as well.  

Oh cool, it has greenback speakers like mine, too.  And a gold plate saying it's a 1979 Limited Edition 15th Anniversary Reissue.  Same year and model as . . .

Is that a fan switch on the back?  Huh, I had to install a fan in mine because it always overheated, how wild that this amp had one already installed.  Wait, that label that says "Fan" is just a printed out sticker.  Like the stickers from my little label maker... 

"Paul, where did you get this amp?"

Yup, from a dude who got it from another dude, who got it from Tim, the Pedal Doctor I told you about a few posts back.  Who sold the amp for me after it bit the dust.  And somebody pieced that Lazarus back together.

And dude, it sounded fantastic.

I told Paul, if he ever sells it, he better call me first.  He said he couldn't imagine selling it.  

I said, "I understand."


Peter Gabriel vs. Phil Collins

Well, honestly, I'm a big fan of both, but when I got asked to play a few songs at a Peter vs. Phil cover show Monday night I had to join Team Gabriel.  

He's one of my all-time favorite artists.  His albums "Us", "Up" and possibly even his latest covers album "Scratch My Back" are in my top records of all time list.

I'll have a fun band, Paul Eckberg on drums, Christopher Williams also on drums, Kevin Whitsett on bass and  yours truly on guitar.

We'll be laying down some rhythmic glory to the tunes of Love to be Loved, Secret World and Here Comes the Flood.

Matthew Perryman Jones, Tyler James, Eric Wilson and the Lonely Hearts are a few of the other artists, ahem, Choosing Sides Monday night.

So, if you're in town this Monday you should come by and support Team Gabriel!


My Colorado Girls

While we were out at Crooked Creek we were blessed to get to know Jen and JD Dillender, two amazing people on YoungLife staff in Oklahoma.

They are kind, loving and hilarious people.  And Jen is a great photographer.

She took these shots of our girls, as well as a few others you can see on her website.

This post of hers just went live the other day, a great reminder of the amazing month we had up in Colorado.






A Math Problem

My oldest daughter started Kindergarten last week.  I won't lie, I cried.  I thought I would be ok until the principal started talking about walking down the Kindergarten hall and seeing hope in their bright, little faces.  Cruel woman.

So now my morning routine has changed.  I drop Ella off at school and then have an hour before I need to be at the studio, so I'm going to try to spend that time at the Y every day.  And so I have two questions I'd like to put before you.

1. Will coming to my shows be safe now that I'll have such bulging pectoral muscles?  Will you get hurt just taking in my Herculean form?  And I'd like to answer your question with a question:  Is pain necessarily a bad thing?

2. There are two YMCA's near my route.  One is much closer, but traffic is terrible going to and fro.  The other is a few miles further, but traffic is not near as much of an issue.  According to Google Maps, it will take me the exact same time to go from Ella's school to either Y to my studio.  22 minutes.  One is a 4 mile drive, the other is 11.

My question is: which uses less gas?  The shorter drive, or the one where the engine is more engages and less stop and start?

I know you are geniuses (how else would you know to listen to my music) and so I look forward to your brilliant answers.


Dig it.

Things I'm digging right now: 

(in no particular order)

- The new Arcade Fire record.  Dang.

- Thinking about the two Michael Chabon books I've recently read (The Yiddish Policeman's Union & The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay).

- The fact that my studio is clean.

- Today two of my dearest friends had babies.  Congrats to Cason & Katie and Nick & Carrie!

- The tracks I'm working on for one of my favorite artists, Eric Vinson.  Can't wait for you to hear them.

- PSP audioware plugins.  All you audio nerds should check them out.  Particularly the OldTimer and the VintageWarmer.

- Also, the samples in ProTools 8 are making me surprisingly happy.

- We just cancelled our cable but are doing the Netflix streaming thing.  So cool!  My wife won't stop watching Friday Night Lights.




- I'm playing some more Jars of Clay shows in October and I just found out they're doing the entire self-titled record from start to finish.  15-year old Andy could not be happier.






- The book I'm currently reading, for the second time.  Jonathan Strange & Mr Norell is a giant novel about magic in the early 1800s in London and is written in the tone of a Jane Austen novel.  It's brilliant and the second read is even more enjoyable.


I think that's it for me.  How about you?