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Blog History

Entries from February 1, 2007 - February 28, 2007


Dear Chicago, we are on our way.

Matthew Perryman Jones and I will be heading to the Chicago area, specifically North Central College in Naperville, this Friday night. Todd Bragg and Dean Baylor will be our rhythm section, and Mark Lockett from the Normals will be joining me on guitar for my set. I know there a lot of Illinois folks on here and we'd love to see you at the show. We are also looking forward to real pizza. It has been far too long.

PreProduction, Part 2

So most of this week was spent in the second round of Caedmon's preproduction. A few people have written and asked what that meant. Basically, it's a glorified rehearsal. It's the cost-effective way of picking the songs and getting the general arrangements. We set up at Paul Eckberg's studio so we could record and catalog ideas as we got them. This was very smart. After four days and working on well over twenty songs, I can't remember what happened to any of them. My head's swimming in it, but the band and I are really excited for what this record is going to be.

Here are a couple photos...




Todd and Randall

...and Yours Truly

We had a great time this afternoon discussing the philosophy of the album and the things we still needed and how to fill those holes. I think it was a time we'll look back on and know that something major happened there. It's also when Cliff and I were presented with these fine certificates, letting us know that we were Dove Award nominees for a song we sang on a Christmas album last year.


I was especially grateful when, not five minutes later, I had a lyric idea and a very handy, and rugged, certificate to write them down on...


In other news, did anybody see Cason and Will on Leno last night? I thought it was their best performance yet of their late night circuit. And speaking of late nights, I'm heading to bed. I have a session at Sputnik in the morning and a good idea brewing for tomorrow's post. Until then...

Fun Show Tonight

Thanks to everybody who came out to the show tonight. Twas a blast. I'm beyond exhausted, so I'll give you details tomorrow. I counted at least two active photographers, so we should have some good photo action to share soon. See you tomorrow...

The Power Team

A couple years ago my friends Billy, Jeremy and Cason were going to the YMCA every other day or so and working out. They called themselves "The Power Team". I wanted to start going, but they said membership was closed and that I would have to submit an essay.

So I did.

And I got accepted. And they never met again. Looking down at the ol' belly I thought it was time to share the essay with you. Without further adieu...

Why I Should Be a Part of the Power Team

To begin with, I’d like to share a quote from the great American songwriter Bruce Springsteen. “Wendy, with tramps like us, Baby, we were born to run.� Now, I am no tramp, I have also never called anyone named Wendy ‘Baby’, and, truthfully, I can barely walk, let alone run. However, sometimes I do feel the need for a little recreation, a fine-tuning of this proverbial ‘temple of the Lord’, and because of this desire, I have written the following essay…

I am getting fat. I used to be skinny. I used to eat whatever I wanted and not gain a single pound, as my mother would say. But O, how the tigers of time have come for their metabolism! Six trips up the stairs, my daily workout currently, seems barely enough to scatter the loin-loitering of a single grain of rice. I need help! I need guidance! I need to feel pretty! I need… the Power Team.

And here is my confession: “Sometimes I feel I’m not sexy.� I am a married man, dear friends. Some of you stood before God and these witnesses and vowed to support this holy and sacramental union. Please, do your duty, and allow me to find the strapping, virile, desirable man buried beneath the rolls and folds, like the receipt beneath so many fast-food wrappers lining the backseat of love’s station wagon.

However, I do feel that I have a few things I can offer this enlightened band of bone-crushing brethren. While I don’t have many things, in the ways of the world, I do have a car, so if anybody would need a ride, like, cause their car broke, I would pick them up. Also, I just bought some new workout shorts, because my wife said she was embarrassed because of how tight and small my old ones were. So you see, not only could I get you to the Y, but my new shorts might look so awesome it could help Cason meet girls with MP3 players. Think of all that may never happen without my humble presence.

Another thing I feel I have to offer is that I am very encouraging. One time, when somebody was thinking about doing something that was a challenge, a “weight that need be lifted�, if you will, I stood there and said, “Go for it, man.� This is the kind of attitude I think the Power Team could find helpful. Another brick in the wall of positive self-image. One more balloon in the hand of the “you-can-do-it� clown.

I believe that male bonding is an essential part of life. I believe that deep and truthful camaraderie emerges Darwinian from pools of sweat, rivers of blood, and airs of flatulence. I believe that each male is unique as a birthmark, as special as Mr. Rogers. I believe that the cog I bring can make greater the machine of community.

It is my hope that the Power Team, arma protelum, as the scholars say, can shine like a lighthouse of strength to a world of weakness, that she can stand like our Lady of Liberty on an Ellis Island of dignity, welcoming the poor, the weak, the huddled masses into the land of lifting, jogging and carnage.

Sure, I may sit in an office lined with gold records and Grammy’s. I may have an army of servants to fulfill my every desire. I may light fires with hundred-dollar bills on an August afternoon. But even if I didn’t, I would still feel a void. The vacuum hated by nature that can only be filled by daily workouts at the YMCA with a few good friends. The silence of the heavens may haunt our souls, but together we can send back our answer: “I WILL SPOT YOU, my friend, AND THEN I SHALL LIFT!!!!�


Here's an interview I did for a blog about, and for, independent musicians. I thought she asked some great questions, and I hope I provided some good answers. I've been working on songs til I can't think anymore, so enjoy this interview, and I'll be back tomorrow after the first day of pre-production.