
Here's an interview I did for a blog about, and for, independent musicians. I thought she asked some great questions, and I hope I provided some good answers. I've been working on songs til I can't think anymore, so enjoy this interview, and I'll be back tomorrow after the first day of pre-production.
Reader Comments (16)
Hey man,
I think it is swell that you promoted Nick Flora in your interview. That was very "top drawer".
Great interview,---keep blogging.
Also, since I read your blog everyday---I am going to start commenting more on your posts. Sorry that I have be more faithful reading instead of commenting.
P.S. Sorry I didn't do any of your surveys---It felt like adultry--but I was super busy---------sigh I am glad that is off my chest.
Much love!
I'm pumped to hear how the new songs are coming along--especially the one you cowrote with Clay Aiken after a romantic night on the town. And the interview was great!
You're not funny? Why are we always laughing when we hang out?
What's that you say? We're nerdy as a fan club? Okay, you're right on that score.
Off to go stop another astronaut from pepper spraying another member of a love triangle,
True that. I know I've proven it more than once.
Sad, but funny, too.
What's that? I've responded more to Geof than I have to Andy? Guilty as charged.
CJH (still lobbying for a Caedmon's double-disc)
Why is Geof always commenting about hanging out with these all these guys, is it to rub it in our face?
You might be able to hang out with these guys, but have you ever met Michael Jackson, I doubt it, I have so there!
Not that meeting Michael Jackson is cooler than knowing Andrew Osenga, I never meant to insinuate that.
Hanging out with Andy O is really easy if you live in/near Nashville. Dude's terribly accessible after shows. :)
But to answer your question directly ... I guess so. I'm an Internet celebrity, dangit! I drive a Dodge Stratus!
[I have, in the span of two comments, referenced an Osenga lyric, the crazy astronaut, and Will Ferrell. Clearly I need professional help...]
Like we didn't know that already. ;-)
The line about nuns was priceless
"I’d be going door-to-door with a resume and a high school diploma looking for a job. "
I picture A.O. letting the world know the joy's of Avon's Men's line and why Cutco makes the best knives....
"I like to picture Jesus in a tuxedo T-Shirt because it says I want to be formal, but I'm here to party. "
Had to join the Will Ferrell movie bandwagon....
Hey, I could be way behind on this, but I'm thinking we should start an Andrew Osenga fanclub called "Nerdy As a Fan Club." Anyone else down? Has this already been suggested and shot down? Maybe it can just be the name of the community that so faithfully reads the blog.
Oh the irony!!! The irony!!
hanging out with andy is cool...playing a show with him...simply stunning.
(great interview)
I second the motion for a Caedmon's double-disk
Yes, I'm nothing next to Mayor Dave!
neither am i geof, but he lets me be in his band, so i count myself blessed.