PreProduction, Part 2

So most of this week was spent in the second round of Caedmon's preproduction. A few people have written and asked what that meant. Basically, it's a glorified rehearsal. It's the cost-effective way of picking the songs and getting the general arrangements. We set up at Paul Eckberg's studio so we could record and catalog ideas as we got them. This was very smart. After four days and working on well over twenty songs, I can't remember what happened to any of them. My head's swimming in it, but the band and I are really excited for what this record is going to be.
Here are a couple photos...



Todd and Randall

...and Yours Truly

We had a great time this afternoon discussing the philosophy of the album and the things we still needed and how to fill those holes. I think it was a time we'll look back on and know that something major happened there. It's also when Cliff and I were presented with these fine certificates, letting us know that we were Dove Award nominees for a song we sang on a Christmas album last year.

I was especially grateful when, not five minutes later, I had a lyric idea and a very handy, and rugged, certificate to write them down on...

In other news, did anybody see Cason and Will on Leno last night? I thought it was their best performance yet of their late night circuit. And speaking of late nights, I'm heading to bed. I have a session at Sputnik in the morning and a good idea brewing for tomorrow's post. Until then...
Here are a couple photos...



Todd and Randall

...and Yours Truly

We had a great time this afternoon discussing the philosophy of the album and the things we still needed and how to fill those holes. I think it was a time we'll look back on and know that something major happened there. It's also when Cliff and I were presented with these fine certificates, letting us know that we were Dove Award nominees for a song we sang on a Christmas album last year.

I was especially grateful when, not five minutes later, I had a lyric idea and a very handy, and rugged, certificate to write them down on...

In other news, did anybody see Cason and Will on Leno last night? I thought it was their best performance yet of their late night circuit. And speaking of late nights, I'm heading to bed. I have a session at Sputnik in the morning and a good idea brewing for tomorrow's post. Until then...
Reader Comments (7)
Whoah! Last night was the night Cason was on Leno?!?!? I hope I can find it online...
so...whats the lyric on the back of the certificate?
I think that "diamonds in the soles of her shoes" shoe go on the new caedmon's cd, well at least in the guild V cd
The only issue with putting a cover on a CD that you sell is the royalty payment. That's why I'm happy to have bootleg recordings of it. ;)
I'm happy that you've capture Grizzly Ada ... er, Todd in his bearded glory. I promise you ... I did not recognize him on Thursday until I saw him standing next to Garett and recognized Bragg's body language. Totally threw me for a loop ... in an awesome way. If you keep the scruff, Andy, then Cliff will be shamed into growing a full beard, and ... well, everyone wins in that scenario. [Except maybe Danielle, and if that's the case, I'm the big loser, because I will probably sleep with the fishies.]
it's either "when my best isn't good enough" or "thank you for smiling on me joel osteen"
was that a non shalant dig at the dove award nomination? because if so, that is ok.
also, are there any proposed titles for the cd yet?? or does that come late in the process of producing a new album?
This one goes out to Mark Miller...