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Entries from October 1, 2007 - October 31, 2007


Fall cleaning

I've been uber-cleaning our basement the past week and a half or so. Early this year our drain pipes blew up in the ceiling of the basement and it has been a complete mess ever since. We had to replace almost every inch of pipe in the house and most of the stuff downstairs that didn't get ruined by water was covered in drywall dust.

Now I've finally got the time to dig into it and I'm feeling really good about it. The garage will hopefully be ping-pong ready by the weekend. That's the goal anyway.

Tonight I moved all the books, bookshelves, cd's and records into what used to be the tracking room of the studio. Now that I don't work at home that room is going to hold the "library" as well. I still have my piano, some guitars and a small ProTools rig set up, but more for demos or emergency sessions.

I rarely get a chance to listen to music. On my short drive to the studio I usually listen to NPR to hear what's going on, or I make phone calls. Coming back home the last thing I want to do is usually to hear any more music.

That said, it's been really fun to get a chance to plug in the iPod and just listen to some records. I've gone through a ton of Paul Simon, from his first solo record to his latest (which I actually think are my two favorites of his), some Peter Gabriel, early 90's R.E.M., Sixpence, "OK Computer", just good stuff.

The only two things I've listened to so far that were made since I started my career are "Surprise" by Paul Simon and the "Divine Discontent" by Sixpence. Nothing against new music, obviously, but there's SO MUCH great music that's already been made. Sometimes it's hard for me to listen to some cool new band when I know there are still a couple Who records that I haven't even heard yet.

As I was piling up my cd's next to the old 78 LPs I realized that I haven't listened to either format in a couple years. But whether it's old Van Morrison or new Arcade Fire, we all listen to music and we all will continue to. I just hope I can make music that will still be played after the iPod ends up on the shelf next to the 8-tracks and cassettes.

The Rabbit Room -AND- My cd's available again

So I haven't had my cd's available to buy online for a few months. The company I've been using to fill orders just stopped shipping them (and paying me for them, and calling me back, etc...) so that's a bummer. BUT...

Andrew Peterson just opened a marvelous new website called The Rabbit Room (CLICK HERE). This site is straight out of the "wish I'd thought of it first" pile. I was going to let you guys know about it today anyway.

And then Andrew told me he was putting up a web store and wanted to carry my records. So there we are. Right now they've got The Morning (CLICK HERE) and Photographs (CLICK HERE).

All cd's are $15 and the shipping is free. They've also got Randall's stuff, Jill and Andy's, Eric Peters and Andy P's, as well as a few good books.

We'll probably get "Souvenirs and Postcards" up at some point, and maybe even Normals stuff. We'll see. For now, though, I'm just thrilled to have a home for my cd's again, and I hope you can support both mine and my friends music here a long time.

And just go visit the site for a while. It's one of those rare places online that's actually worth the time you'll spend clicking through it.

things that I'm enjoying these days...

Things that I'm enjoying these days...

(in no particular order)

- Korby microphones

- the donuts from the very unique Asian Sub shop by my house

- finishing up David's record

- Ella's going to be a flower girl in Jason and Emily's wedding. She is very, very excited.

- reading about the history of Petra online for over an hour when I couldn't sleep last night (Louie was fired!!)

- G.K. Chesterton's "The Ball and the Cross"

- Mark Lockett's new baby girl

- CNBC, FOX News and MSNBC all removed polls that showed Ron Paul winning

- Peter Gabriel's rerecording of "Here Comes the Flood"

- high-strung guitars

- Battlestar Galactica just put up a trailer for Season 4

- Sadie roars like a lion now. A very cute and quiet lion.

- the weather in Nashville is perfect, and has been for a week or so

- api preamps

- getting to play with Steven Delopoulos in Nashville this Thursday night

- rediscovering the Eels (electro-shock blues)

- writing new songs with Randall

I wish I was a Heartbreaker

Had a great meeting this morning. The kind that inspires you by looking at the truth. Often, and probably always, that means facing the hard things that needed to be looked at and dealt with.

But in deciding to face them, deciding to do what needs to be done, there is a freedom. A flexing of some long-forgotten muscle. A "good burn" as Ron Burgundy would say.

So I got in my car and accidentally went to Tom Petty's Greatest Hits on my ipod. Then I listened to this song eight times in a row. That second verse hit me harder than any song has in a looooong time. Thanks, Tom.


Well I won't back down, no I won't back down
You can stand me up at the gates of hell
But I won't back down

Gonna stand my ground, won't be turned around
And I'll keep this world from draggin me down
Gonna stand my ground
and I won't back down

Hey baby, there ain't no easy way out
Hey, I will stand my ground
And I won't back down

Well I know what's right, I got just one life
In a world that keeps on pushin me around
But I'll stand my ground
and I won't back down

Hey baby, there ain't no easy way out
Hey, I will stand my ground
And I won't back down
No, I won't back down

I will not be one of those no-tour-dates guys

You know how you go to a lot of artist sites and they never have any tour dates listed, even when you know they're playing a bunch of shows? That's because it's usually a pain to do.

Well, last night I took the hurt for the team to let the world know that I'm about to go and play a whole bunch of shows. In November I'm doing one in Georgia with my good friend and neighbor Christopher Williams. Then a few weeks later another good friend and neighbor, Randall Goodgame, will be accompanying me at a show in North Carolina.

Here in Nashville we'll be celebrating the release of good friend J.J. Heller's new album. Jeremy Casella and I will be opening the show up for them. I played guitar and sang on the record and it's one of my favorite things I've worked on all year. I hope you get to check it out.

Late November and a bulk of December is all Andrew Peterson Christmas shows. This year Bebo Norman and Sara Groves will be taking the place of Derek and Sandra. The Osengas are not personally expecting any babies this year so I should be at all the shows this time around.

Then in the Spring I'll be out with Caedmon's for the "Overdressed" tour.

It'll be good to get back on the road. It's been a good while since I've done any "real" touring. Hope to get to see some of you in person soon. There are a few more shows in the works so stay tuned.

All right, I've got to run. You guys are the greatest and I'm looking forward to seeing your smiling faces again.