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I should have paid more attention in gym class...

Sorry it's been a few days since I've posted last. I was sans internet for a few days and I've been having to catch up.

So Monday night the masterful Ben Shive and I piled a bunch of gear in the back of my Ford and drove through some nasty rain up to Indianapolis. Ben had produced a record for a band there, named Connersvine, and had me play most of the guitars on it. The album came out Tuesday so we sat in with their band for their release show.

Usually when you play on a record, as soon as you get the part right you never play it again. It was fun to actually get to relearn the tunes and play them live, see how they worked.

The guys in the band were really great. We stayed with one of the guys, Hunter, the night before the show. He's the punter for the Indianapolis Colts. Due to some miscommunication we freaked his wife out by showing up unexpected, to her, at 2:30 in the morning. Once she decided we weren't thieves she was quite gracious.

I drove back last night in, again, terrible weather and then spent this morning sleeping in a bit and then playing with the girls. Too much fun.

David and I finished the last bit of recording on his album this afternoon. A few background vocals, eight bars of guitar, a cowbell and some trombone. Days like this need to happen more often.

I've got some free time in the coming weeks now, so I'll hopefully be able to keep some of it clear enough to dive in to some more writing. Oh, and speaking of writing, CLICK HERE for to read the Top Five Things I Don't Like that Everybody Else Does.

Reader Comments (8)

it makes sense that the punter for the colts would have time to write and play music.

October 25, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdanny


How can you not like coffee?!?!

I think my world has been shaken to the core today. What will I do. Go to work I guess and fake it. (Oops! I guess that is just like every other day)

October 25, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterGregB

1. John Mayer
2. Taylor guitars
3. Football on TV
4. Starbucks (except maybe on occasion)
5. John Mayer

October 25, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRB

1. watching golf on tv
2. Caedmon's Call and every other band I listen to (my friends have bad/shallow taste in music)
3. math/ school
4. the north (i live in the south and cant stand some things about the South)
5. hp's (apple's suck)

October 25, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterchuck

chuck aren't you supposed to be writing things you don't like? you wrote that you don't like caedmon's call and then you said you did and then you wrote that you don't like the north and then you said you can't stand some things about the south. I'm confused. :(

October 25, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTom

1. taylor guitars
2. christian music (in general)
3. the rolling stones
4. pickles
5. canker sores (not that other people really love them but man do they hurt!)

October 25, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterthejerry

"Have the Rolling Stones killed."

October 25, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMatthew Smith

So I was watching ESPN (I think it was actually ESPN2) yesterday and they had Hunter on. They mentioned his band and I thought..."didn't I just read about his band somewhere?" Apparently he has had time to work on his music since he's only punted 20 times ALL SEASON!

But, one thing that got me a bit was that the ESPN guys had to refer to the band as a "Christian Band" and not just a "rock band." They didn't do it in a bad way at all, but it just gets back to earlier conversations about labeling music and bands and all...

Anyway, this post is like a week late so no one will probably read it.


November 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJohn

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