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Gear for Sale!!

So it's that time again. Got some gear in the "haven't used in six months" pile and I need to let it go. I'd rather not throw this stuff on ebay, but let folks I know have it, so I'm posting it here. Everything has been on the road, so has the little nick and scuff, but they all work fine, just haven't used them in a little while.

If you see anything you want, just send me an email - andrew(at)

First come, first served. Thanks!

L.R. Baggs - ParaAcoustic D.I.

I've got three of these (one is the spare I carry for Cliff) and don't need this one. Works great and makes acoustics sound a TON better in a live setting.
CLICK HERE to read about it


Guyatone PS3 Phase Shifter

Great sounding phaser. I like it WAY better than the MXR Phase 90 that most guys use. I have this sound on a couple of other pieces now, so I don't need the single one. With Caedmon's I always used this on "Before There Was Time".
CLICK HERE to read about it.


Danelectro Tuna Melt Tremolo

This was the pedal everybody loved from this Danelectro series. Great-sounding tremolo, unreal for the price. Derek, MPJ, Cason, just about everybody I know uses these. I just replaced it for something with vibrato as well, so I don't need it anymore. Enjoy...
CLICK HERE to read about it.


Danelectro Fish n' Chips EQ

From the same line, here's a handy little 7-band EQ, also with a volume slider. I really like to use these to go between different guitars. If one's louder and bassier, you just set your amp or DI to one guitar and use this to match the other guitar. Very useful.
CLICK HERE to read about it.


And I'm thinking about selling my Tele. A Made-in-Mexico '72 ThinLine Reissue. Killer guitar. I'm pretty nostalgic about it, though, so I'm not sure. If anybody's really into it, send me an email and let me know. I know I should get rid of it, (between the Les Paul and the Strat I sort of have this tone covered) but this was my main guitar for a few years and I'm still feeling a little loyal.

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Reader Comments (10)

consider the tremblo sold my friend! thanks.


October 29, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKei Akiyama

Dibs on the Para Acoustic D.I.!

October 29, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKatherine

... i have always ALWAYS wanted a tele thinline. let me know what you are thinking on that one. i've been thinking about selling my one-of-a-kind les paul double cutaway with the chrome p-90's to get one of those. we could trade!

but i'd love to see what you are looking to get for that guitar if you can bear to part with it.

October 29, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterHunter

awww not the tele...

October 29, 2007 | Unregistered Commenternick flora

I personally think that Tele would make a great Christmas present for your sweet little brother!!

October 29, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterrobo

sent an email about the baggs.

October 29, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterbrian

sent an email about the baggs if it's still available

October 29, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterbrian

I can vouch for the tele...I've got the same model...I think I decided to get one after I saw Andy with one...its an awesome guitar

October 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterZach

I might seriously be interested in the Tele

October 31, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRoss Harris

where are we at on the bidding for the tele?
i'm totally interested!

November 1, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterrachel vg

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