Everybody loves Top Fives. Top Fives are an American, nay, a worldwide institution. Can anyone think of a better way to see how greatly you disagree with people you thought you liked?
For instance, if we were talking about Top Five Best Albums and you put Steely Dan, I'd know you were nuts. If you put the Spice Girls I'd know you have a good sense of humor. If you put "Achtung Baby" or "The Joshua Tree" I'd know you were brilliant and that we must be related somehow.
So for at least a couple weeks now we're going to run a daily Top Five here on the andrewosenga.net forum. I'll post the topics on my blog and myspace page, but link to the forum for the actual lists and discussion. Hopefully this will help kickstart a bit of a community over here.
So make sure and swing by here often and don't be afraid to jump in the fray. After all, if you really believe Perfect Strangers is the best TV show ever, you now have a chance to change all of our minds and make this world a better place.