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Entries from December 1, 2006 - December 31, 2006


New Beginning

For Christmas this year I decided to give you guys a song off of my record. Some of you have it already, I know, and so it's not a big deal, but to those of you who haven't bought it or heard it (which you can for free right here) I'm giving you a song.

In honor of Christmas, the New Year and my new baby girl, I thought track 13, New Beginning would be appropriate.

Click here to download.

If you want to help me out this Christmas, I'd love it if you'd take this song and send it to your friends. Leave it on your desktop and send it to people you instant message with. Add it to your e-mails. Let people know about this guy whose music you listen to and/or whose blog you read. It would be wonderful for me, and I think it could be a powerful song for people this time of year.

I told you how I wrote some new lyrics for the third verse last week and now seems like a great time to post them...

I'm tired of being an angry man
I've hid inside for far too long,
you kept your vow and held my hand
while I looked for God in rhyme and song,
our girls are dancing in their dreams,
the promise of a better life,
I want to be a father full of grace
and a loving husband to my wife...

Thank you guys again for allowing me, and my friends, to do what we do. I am continually humbled and grateful. I'm thrilled to be working on a good amount of Spring tour dates, so hopefully my songs and I can connect with you in person soon. I hope you guys enjoy this song.

I finally found my old green hat

Man, I had fun tonight. We played our set with Matthew Perryman Jones (who if you haven't heard him, you must go here now and fix that) and it was awesome. Really one of the most fun shows I've played in a while. Matthew's songs are great and his voice is beyond great. Seriously, it's like the clouds part and the heavens speak deeply when he sings.

We got to actually work on arranging stuff a bit in rehearsal the other night, and it made such a big difference. I find that when I play local gigs without rehearsing a ton I play in a way I never would on a record, and I'm usually very unhappy with it. I need to make a sign on the floor really big that says "play less!!". I think I compensate for not knowing the songs super well by barreling through them. Doesn't make sense, but I know we all do it. The more aware of this I become, hopefully, the more thoughtful and musical player I'll be.

I worked over at Jeremy's Map Room today on a record he's producing for Joe Bassett. I did Joe's EP a couple years ago and so it was fun to be a part of this new one. Used the Visual Sound Workhorse again, and it did great. Also got to pull out a bit of electric baritone and just fell in love with the depth and beauty of that instrument all over again. Getting to hang out with Jeremy wasn't too bad either...

We've been working hard at making the transition to having two kids. Both girls are wonderful and sweet, but it's been pretty tough. Harder than we thought. For the past few days Sadie's been up all night, then of course Ella is up all day, so sleep has gone the way of the dodo.

Alison's mom has been staying with us, which has been super helpful, but tonight is the first night with just our new four-person family under our roof. The Christmas tree is lit up and all the girls are amazingly asleep at the same time. It's quiet and it's nice.

I've been reading a collection of short stories by Wendell Berry called That Distant Land. Now, I've been accused of being an exaggerator before, but I am not at all in this next sentence. I have read four stories in this book and he is easily one of my favorite writers ever. Top Five. The way he writes is stunningly beautiful, very simple and honest. His writing is a feast. So rich and full, but easy to enter into . The thing that really kills me is how lovingly he treats all his characters. His villains do terrible things, but he loves them. It is the Gospel without ever preaching a single word. I have been moved to tears with almost every story and I beg you all to read it.

Well, I should really get to bed. Thanks for your patience with me in this crazy season. I'll try to keep the posts coming a bit more regular as I get back on my feet. Also, keep an eye out, I'm starting to book my first-ever solo tour this Spring. If you are at all interested in bringing me to your school or club or church or whatever, please let me know. I'll have some dates to share in a few weeks. And I'll have a Christmas sale in a day or two. Just waiting on Aware to get the price change up and I'll post a fresh link. Nothing says Merry Christmas like an Andrew Osenga cd. I think I read that in a Wendell Berry story...

rock and roll soothes the soul

I'm playing guitar for Matthew Perryman Jones Wednesday night at a club here in town called The Rutledge. If you're in Nashville, you should come out, it will be fantastic. We rehearsed tonight and it was a blast. It was kind of a nice release from the stress and (good) craziness of the new baby and visits and no-sleep and hospitals and all. We just set up and played some of my favorite music. Not a bad way to kill an hour or two.

Question: How you can tell E.T. is British?

Answer: Because he looks British.

Don't thank me for that one, folks, it was a gift from Andy Peterson. He says it also works well with "French" but only time will tell, I assume.

Alison's brother Clay had some surgery this week and is laid low recovering. I decided to head on over last night and make him watch Shaun of the Dead with me. If you haven't seen it, you should. A romantic comedy with zombies. Hilarious.

It's a British film, which I am having to add to my already overwhelming "Cool Things British People Have Done" list. Other notable mentions:

The White Album
Who's Next
The Office
Vox AC30 amps
"When the Levee Breaks"
all the weird stuff Radiohead does...

As you can see, I've barely scratched the surface of how cool it must be to be British. Oh, and the teeth. Like Rich Mullins, I'm a good midwestern boy, I give an honest day's work when I can get it. But I think I might choose to be British if I was given the choice. For the accent alone, even.

So last night, after catching up with Clay (and Shaun) I sat down in front of the ol' IMDB (The Internet Movie Database - which as the eternal answer to the question "what else was that guy in?) and found out a couple awesome things about the movie. Well, one. Chris Martin from Coldplay is a zombie extra in it. I pulled up the movie and found that part and, sure enough, there he was. All skinny and lurching.

I've only been to London one time (well twice, but only once did I get outside the airport) and I loved it, but it was too short. Caedmon's was on the way to India to record Share the Well and we spent about half a day and a night there. We went to a pretty awful musical on West End called Bombay Dreams with the hopes of getting inspired about India. It turned out to be a very expensive nap.

Here is where I need to tell you a little bit more about my friend Todd Bragg. He's our drummer, and his kindness excedes his talent, which is saying something. Also, he snores. Loud.

So there we were, sitting in this musical, all jetlagged and sleepy. The show got to the emotional culmination. The love scene. The guy and girl finally admit their feelings and sing a sweet and tender ballad. At probably the quietest part of the whole evening Todd, fully asleep, let out the biggest snore I've ever heard. It helped, I'm sure, that the acoustically perfect hall took that snore and amplified it like a thousand times. I'm sure the performers heard it. Our whole section got the snickers. It was awesome.

That was pretty much my only London experience. Oh, and we went to Westminster Abbey where we got to see Caedmon's grave stone. That was pretty cool. He was over where they keep all the extra folding chairs, so we had to get a monk to come and move them. Obviously, he's a big draw.

ANYWAY, so last night, after I watched Shaun and found out about Chris Martin I ended up googling Scotland Yard. I have no idea why. I ended up finding this website of a "virtual tour" of London. I looked around for way too long and then got up to go to bed. And I was dizzy from all the 360 action. I'm such a nerd.

Oh, and I found this photo the other day. It's from Ella's brief tenure as a Backstreet Boy...


back home

The house is quiet now. All three of my girls are asleep. Alison, Sadie and I got back from the hospital last night around 12:30. It was a long night, but today has been a mostly restful day, so that's good. My parents are in town, as is Alison's mom. Her dad will be here over the weekend.

Having your folks around is way more valuable with the second baby. Why? Baby-sitting. They've all been great playing with Ella while Alison and I try to catch up on our sleep. And they keep making food. This is not a bad thing.

Ella seems to like having a little sister. At least, she likes having a baby around. She has made sure that we are all aware where the baby's nose is. It's the little things that count, you know.

Last night was Andrew Peterson's Christmas show at the Ryman. I got there a few songs into the first half, so I didn't miss my part. I sang "New Beginning" off of my album The Morning and wrote a new third verse for it on the way to the Ryman from the hospital. I like what I have on the record, but I feel like I finally got it really figured out a year too late. Maybe I'll sing this new verse live from now on.

I play mainly electric during the Christmas portion of the show and I used the new Visual Sound Workhorse amp live for the first time. It sounded fantastic, I thought. It's a very, very clean amp, but it still has bottom end, something I feel is usually lacking with others in a similar field. In fact, I had all my EQ's set right in the middle, at 5, but had to turn the bass down to 4. I like a lot of low-end presence usually, so that was surprising. Anyway, I had fun using it and playing the show for my last time this year. They've got another week of shows and I'm sure they'll be great.

Well, I'm going to go and read a little bit, or maybe see who's on Letterman and hold Sadie. It's fun. I can already tell a few differences between her and Ella. For one, she actually has hair, and hers is dark. Ella's is a very light reddish blonde. Sadie is a mover, too. Very squirmy. Ella's a bit more of a cuddler. Neither of them seems extreme in those categories, but it's fun to note the difference and wonder what that will mean later on.

Anyway, thanks so much to all of you for your prayers and your notes of encouragement and congratulations. What a blessing it is to be able to share this with you guys.