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The house is quiet now. All three of my girls are asleep. Alison, Sadie and I got back from the hospital last night around 12:30. It was a long night, but today has been a mostly restful day, so that's good. My parents are in town, as is Alison's mom. Her dad will be here over the weekend.

Having your folks around is way more valuable with the second baby. Why? Baby-sitting. They've all been great playing with Ella while Alison and I try to catch up on our sleep. And they keep making food. This is not a bad thing.

Ella seems to like having a little sister. At least, she likes having a baby around. She has made sure that we are all aware where the baby's nose is. It's the little things that count, you know.

Last night was Andrew Peterson's Christmas show at the Ryman. I got there a few songs into the first half, so I didn't miss my part. I sang "New Beginning" off of my album The Morning and wrote a new third verse for it on the way to the Ryman from the hospital. I like what I have on the record, but I feel like I finally got it really figured out a year too late. Maybe I'll sing this new verse live from now on.

I play mainly electric during the Christmas portion of the show and I used the new Visual Sound Workhorse amp live for the first time. It sounded fantastic, I thought. It's a very, very clean amp, but it still has bottom end, something I feel is usually lacking with others in a similar field. In fact, I had all my EQ's set right in the middle, at 5, but had to turn the bass down to 4. I like a lot of low-end presence usually, so that was surprising. Anyway, I had fun using it and playing the show for my last time this year. They've got another week of shows and I'm sure they'll be great.

Well, I'm going to go and read a little bit, or maybe see who's on Letterman and hold Sadie. It's fun. I can already tell a few differences between her and Ella. For one, she actually has hair, and hers is dark. Ella's is a very light reddish blonde. Sadie is a mover, too. Very squirmy. Ella's a bit more of a cuddler. Neither of them seems extreme in those categories, but it's fun to note the difference and wonder what that will mean later on.

Anyway, thanks so much to all of you for your prayers and your notes of encouragement and congratulations. What a blessing it is to be able to share this with you guys.

Reader Comments (10)

Congrats on bringing Sadie home! The show was awesome last night and I REALLY liked the new verse for "New Beginning!!"

December 7, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa

not to be a stickler... but you'll need to change your banner text now that Sadie has arrived! as best as we know (and those of us with children know...) there's no chance that baby girl #3 is on the way quite yet!

December 7, 2006 | Unregistered Commenternatalie

It's good to hear everyone is doing well.

So, are you going to post the lyrics to the new third verse?

December 8, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterelijah

Dude. thanks for sharing it with us. Maybe we'll see some more pics of the new girl? :)

December 8, 2006 | Unregistered Commentertk

the ryman show last night was great. i wanted to say hi, but i figured you were in a hurry, and my wife (who is pregnant) needed to get on the road for the three hr. trek back to louisville. hopefully something will bring you this way soon.
congratulations again, enjoy the holidays with your family.
-stephen cavness

December 8, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterstephen cavness

Ronzilla told me about the new verse. We just sorta shook our heads. In a good way. ;)

December 8, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterGeof F. Morris

And woohoo! for kids with hair! :-) There's not much for me to say that isn't repetition of what everyone else has said. Get some sleep, let the grandparents watch the kiddos, enjoy your new daughter!

December 8, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterChris Hubbs

Little girls rule. Enjoy every minute of it.

December 8, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterlordjabez

maybe you should post that new verse...I'd try, but I'm sure I'd butcher it.

December 9, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterronzilla

WOW! So cute about Ella pointing out the nose and how Sadie looks...I'm so happy everything went ok for all of you (except for the epidermal though of course, man that's gotta suck-I heard though that those epidermals end up hurting your lower back afterward for the next 5 years too (like you can still feel the needle in your spine), so make sure you rub Allison's lower back gently with some Vitamin E perhaps). Now it's you and three girls...very fun...haha

December 9, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterDemara

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