I finally found my old green hat

Man, I had fun tonight. We played our set with Matthew Perryman Jones (who if you haven't heard him, you must go here now and fix that) and it was awesome. Really one of the most fun shows I've played in a while. Matthew's songs are great and his voice is beyond great. Seriously, it's like the clouds part and the heavens speak deeply when he sings.
We got to actually work on arranging stuff a bit in rehearsal the other night, and it made such a big difference. I find that when I play local gigs without rehearsing a ton I play in a way I never would on a record, and I'm usually very unhappy with it. I need to make a sign on the floor really big that says "play less!!". I think I compensate for not knowing the songs super well by barreling through them. Doesn't make sense, but I know we all do it. The more aware of this I become, hopefully, the more thoughtful and musical player I'll be.
I worked over at Jeremy's Map Room today on a record he's producing for Joe Bassett. I did Joe's EP a couple years ago and so it was fun to be a part of this new one. Used the Visual Sound Workhorse again, and it did great. Also got to pull out a bit of electric baritone and just fell in love with the depth and beauty of that instrument all over again. Getting to hang out with Jeremy wasn't too bad either...
We've been working hard at making the transition to having two kids. Both girls are wonderful and sweet, but it's been pretty tough. Harder than we thought. For the past few days Sadie's been up all night, then of course Ella is up all day, so sleep has gone the way of the dodo.
Alison's mom has been staying with us, which has been super helpful, but tonight is the first night with just our new four-person family under our roof. The Christmas tree is lit up and all the girls are amazingly asleep at the same time. It's quiet and it's nice.
I've been reading a collection of short stories by Wendell Berry called That Distant Land. Now, I've been accused of being an exaggerator before, but I am not at all in this next sentence. I have read four stories in this book and he is easily one of my favorite writers ever. Top Five. The way he writes is stunningly beautiful, very simple and honest. His writing is a feast. So rich and full, but easy to enter into . The thing that really kills me is how lovingly he treats all his characters. His villains do terrible things, but he loves them. It is the Gospel without ever preaching a single word. I have been moved to tears with almost every story and I beg you all to read it.
Well, I should really get to bed. Thanks for your patience with me in this crazy season. I'll try to keep the posts coming a bit more regular as I get back on my feet. Also, keep an eye out, I'm starting to book my first-ever solo tour this Spring. If you are at all interested in bringing me to your school or club or church or whatever, please let me know. I'll have some dates to share in a few weeks. And I'll have a Christmas sale in a day or two. Just waiting on Aware to get the price change up and I'll post a fresh link. Nothing says Merry Christmas like an Andrew Osenga cd. I think I read that in a Wendell Berry story...
We got to actually work on arranging stuff a bit in rehearsal the other night, and it made such a big difference. I find that when I play local gigs without rehearsing a ton I play in a way I never would on a record, and I'm usually very unhappy with it. I need to make a sign on the floor really big that says "play less!!". I think I compensate for not knowing the songs super well by barreling through them. Doesn't make sense, but I know we all do it. The more aware of this I become, hopefully, the more thoughtful and musical player I'll be.
I worked over at Jeremy's Map Room today on a record he's producing for Joe Bassett. I did Joe's EP a couple years ago and so it was fun to be a part of this new one. Used the Visual Sound Workhorse again, and it did great. Also got to pull out a bit of electric baritone and just fell in love with the depth and beauty of that instrument all over again. Getting to hang out with Jeremy wasn't too bad either...
We've been working hard at making the transition to having two kids. Both girls are wonderful and sweet, but it's been pretty tough. Harder than we thought. For the past few days Sadie's been up all night, then of course Ella is up all day, so sleep has gone the way of the dodo.
Alison's mom has been staying with us, which has been super helpful, but tonight is the first night with just our new four-person family under our roof. The Christmas tree is lit up and all the girls are amazingly asleep at the same time. It's quiet and it's nice.
I've been reading a collection of short stories by Wendell Berry called That Distant Land. Now, I've been accused of being an exaggerator before, but I am not at all in this next sentence. I have read four stories in this book and he is easily one of my favorite writers ever. Top Five. The way he writes is stunningly beautiful, very simple and honest. His writing is a feast. So rich and full, but easy to enter into . The thing that really kills me is how lovingly he treats all his characters. His villains do terrible things, but he loves them. It is the Gospel without ever preaching a single word. I have been moved to tears with almost every story and I beg you all to read it.
Well, I should really get to bed. Thanks for your patience with me in this crazy season. I'll try to keep the posts coming a bit more regular as I get back on my feet. Also, keep an eye out, I'm starting to book my first-ever solo tour this Spring. If you are at all interested in bringing me to your school or club or church or whatever, please let me know. I'll have some dates to share in a few weeks. And I'll have a Christmas sale in a day or two. Just waiting on Aware to get the price change up and I'll post a fresh link. Nothing says Merry Christmas like an Andrew Osenga cd. I think I read that in a Wendell Berry story...
Reader Comments (11)
you're right, tonight's show was pretty sweet!!
Dude. you know where to come if you tour on the west coast... :)
You'll quickly learn to cherish those rare moments when both girls are asleep.
I think that you know that I want you down here for a show. We can work out the details to make it part of a swing where you can get a couple nights at home as a bit of a respite in the middle of the tour.
I really wish I could've been there to see you and Jones. You are so right about him, man. His last album is probably the best one I got this year. [And I loved The Morning, so that says a lot.]
I made it to the show after all. I hadn't heard MPJ before and can kick myself for taking so long to find him. But I wanted to hear you play again after BTLOG at the Ryman the other day, so you led me there.
I enjoyed the show, but the sound could have been better. Too many squeaks or feedback or whatever that is. Also, a bit loud for me, but then, I'm old. That's rock, right? We met MPJ's wife, Meghan, at the cd table, because I couldn't leave without taking his music with me, and she is a sweetie. My daughter and I both enjoyed the songs she sang with him. I listened to the cd this morning. I'm pretty sure he sang every song from it. Enjoyed and appreciated the lyrics even more.
Long ago I had two little girls who were about 22 months apart in age. A funny thing happened, though. I kept feeding them and they got bigger and bigger until one day one flew the coop. Then the other took off. Then the first one came back (which was okay, because I still like her anyway), and the other is planning to get married in March. All this to say, this too shall pass and those wonderful little rosebuds grow up to bloom into beautiful roses. You just have to tend the garden a bit.
I'd love to have you come to Charlottesville, VA. I'll talk with my housemate; he does a lot of booking for shows around here.
... and after Charlottesville, Baltimore isn't to far away, either! Now if only I had more friends in the booking area. At least I know a great openign/backing band if you want one!
Now time to get cracking on getting you to the Toledo OH/ Downriver Detroit Area. Ohh the planning.....
If you get ahold of Kenny at New City Cafe in Knoxville, I'm sure he'll be glad to book you. I think there's a house fee of $200 right now, but if you fill the house with $7 door charge or so, you'll more than pay for that +gas +food +a cool hat from Mast General Store. My wife and I can put you up for the night. Kenny's email is:
I cried over a story about Uncle Peaches from Berry's "The Wild Birds". Haven't found a lot of his stuff, but I love what I've read.
If you get over to Illinois, Iowa's only one more state over... I'll see what I can do.
I grew up in Port William (now called Carrollton) Kentucky. It really was a charming and sadly fading little town. I haven't been back in years but I hope to journey there with my husband and sons sometime in the future...
I will pick up Berry. You, on the other hand, should come play in South Dakota.