one more day

We've got one day left over at House of David. After this we move into the overdub stage, which means individual parts one at a time. This will mainly take place here at my house, though Cliff and Danielle will do some vocals at Josh's in Houston and we'll probably do some percussion over at Garett's place. Ah, the joys of ProTools...
I'm so wiped out after a day of working. It's a big band and I'm trying to do more than four things at once, it seems like, so I get home and realize I honestly haven't stopped for a minute the whole time I was at the studio. It's just go-go-go. But that's great. I love it. It's the good kind of worn out. Some songs have really surprised us. I can't wait for you guys to hear this stuff. I know I keep saying that and I'll try to stop. I'm not able to give you any yet, so it's just mean. What I can do is show you some photos...
This is me and Vance, who helped us get sounds the first couple of days...

Garett, me, Andy Hunt (our engineer) and Jeff at the console. It's a glorious 32-channel API board. I want it in my basement. Or my living room. Really, I just want it in my life.

Garett, looking very excited between takes.

Todd and his monstrous kick drum (and a few others...)

The obligatory "I Love Guitars" shot.

Yes, this happened.
And yes, that is my dad.
And yes, we're doing what it looks like we're doing.
And yes, we're also running a mic of this through my guitar rig.
With wah pedal.
And yes, it sounds more amazing than you can imagine.

(many thanks to Todd Bragg for some of these photos)
I'm so wiped out after a day of working. It's a big band and I'm trying to do more than four things at once, it seems like, so I get home and realize I honestly haven't stopped for a minute the whole time I was at the studio. It's just go-go-go. But that's great. I love it. It's the good kind of worn out. Some songs have really surprised us. I can't wait for you guys to hear this stuff. I know I keep saying that and I'll try to stop. I'm not able to give you any yet, so it's just mean. What I can do is show you some photos...
This is me and Vance, who helped us get sounds the first couple of days...

Garett, me, Andy Hunt (our engineer) and Jeff at the console. It's a glorious 32-channel API board. I want it in my basement. Or my living room. Really, I just want it in my life.

Garett, looking very excited between takes.

Todd and his monstrous kick drum (and a few others...)

The obligatory "I Love Guitars" shot.

Yes, this happened.
And yes, that is my dad.
And yes, we're doing what it looks like we're doing.
And yes, we're also running a mic of this through my guitar rig.
With wah pedal.
And yes, it sounds more amazing than you can imagine.

(many thanks to Todd Bragg for some of these photos)