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What I did, what I'm doing, what I'm reading, what you're singing...

Ok, so that was one of the craziest travel weekends ever. Which followed last week's crazy travel weekend. And dude, I'm wiped out.

But it's been good. Had a couple fun Caedmon's shows, and a very, um, interesting solo band show. Let's just say the median age was somewhere in the 60's. Great barbeque all weekend, as well.

Last night I went to see my friend Trip Wamsley's new band, the Power Triplets. I told him a few weeks ago I was excited to see them and he told me, "you're not going to like it. There's gonna be a lot of notes. I know you don't like notes..." He was right. There were a LOT of notes. But it was fun, great to see somebody so freakishly talented in their element. Fusion/Rock. Thank God for those new molded earplugs.

Today I started preproduction on an EP I'm producing for Lindsey Jones. A great singer with great tunes and just fun to be around. I think it's going to be a great project and I'm looking forward to getting further into it. Tomorrow and Thursday I'll be finishing up Nick Flora (aka Coin Laundry Loser)'s record. It's awesome. I won't lie.

I've spent the past couple weeks being crammed in an airplane, shuttle bus, Jeep Cherokee backseat, car ferry and/or water taxi at least every other day. I've been reading G.K. Chesterton's "Father Brown" stories for the second time. They're these great mystery stories, and the hero is this little, unassuming Catholic Priest. He hears confessions and pays attention to the world around him, and in the end sees these aspects of humanity that everybody else misses. He solves the crimes but also ends up in great conversations with the criminal. Fascinating.

I've also been watching, also for the second time, the "Firefly" series. The first time I saw it I was under a lot of pain medicine after my neck surgery. I like it better this time. Believe it or not, I'm catching things I didn't before. Don't know why...

And for the first time, I'm reading through the graphic novel "Y: The Last Man". It's written by one of the LOST writers and it's pretty entertaining. The graphic novel is a genre I'm pretty unfamiliar with. The only other one I've read was "Maus", and it was one of the best things I'd ever read. It inspired the Normals tune "The Survivor", for anybody interested.

OH! Huge thanks to everybody who's sent in webground® vocals and instruments. I think it'll be a few more days until I can get back to the Letters project, so you have a few more days if you're still wanting to send something in. It has been a ton of fun to listen through what I have so far. You are some pretty talented and creative people. I can't wait for you to hear it. I can't wait to hear it!

All right, I should go get some rest. Thank you guys for being at the shows this weekend, for sending in those webgrounds® and just for being who you are. I'm learning more and more how important that is. See you soon.

Reader Comments (10)

if you like brian k. vaughn you need to read 'the pride of baghdad'. it's a lot more like Maus in that it's a self contained story and uses animals as the main characters and is a metaphor for the world at large. it's powerful and the storytelling great, a must read.

August 26, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjay

I've been busy with school and haven't had much time to do the webground vocals yet. Can we send them in Thursday by any chance? I'll have a break from student teaching then.

August 27, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjake

Ok, so Firefly is one of my favorites. Incredible, in my opinion. Sad that it got canceled so fast. I don't know what you think about it, but if you are watching it twice, you must like it a little. Anyway, what are the chances that you'd give a guy the chords to "Roses in a Dead Man's Hand"? I'm ok at playing things once I know the chords, but I'm having a difficult time figuring out exactly how you are playing it.

August 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDerek

Trip rules! So do Firefly and Maus. As for graphic novels, Persepolis is pretty cool, too.

August 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJenni

Dude, that's awesome that you're reading Chesterton! I just started the Mr. Pond series and it's great. One of my all time favorite stories is The Man Who Was Thursday...

August 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAdrian

The Mr. Pond series? Man, I feel like a fake Chesterton fan right now, can you fill us in on that?

August 27, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterandy

@Derek - If we're going to get music tips from Andy, let's just ask for the tuning he used for "Coming to Life"

Really cool to know that "Maus" was the inspiration behind "The Survivor" -- it gives the song a context I hadn't considered before.

August 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMark S.

I actually finished the father brown series the other day. What great stories. One of my favorite quotes if from "The Hammer of God"

“He thought it was given to him to judge the world and strike down the sinner. He would never have had such a thought if he had been kneeling with other men upon a floor. But he saw all men walking about like insects."

Good Stuff

August 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAndy

i remember rich mullins talking about chesterton too.

if rich and andy both enjoyed him, how can it be wrong.

if i were to pick up my first chesterton book, which one should it be? anybody? :)

August 31, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterwally

Andy, if you want to borrow "Pride of Baghdad," I own it.

Y: The Last Man is incredible.

Notes are terrible.

September 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMatthew Smith

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