but I never do, so anyway...

I'm a writer. I love to write. I love the random and beautiful stories all around us. I love having this website and having a place to let people join me on whatever journey I'm on at the time.
This has been a weird season for me, though, in that I haven't really known what to write. Writing about my journey is natural, and encouraging. But for the past little while now the journey has been to find what journey I should be taking, if that makes any sense.
Being the jack-of-all-trades musician has been so fun and allowed me such unique opportunities. But it feels like each individual road has become wide enough for me to travel, or would be if I walked down it a little bit. Picking which road has been wearying. And no, I haven't figured out which one(s) yet.
And that's made it hard to write. It's hard to know what to say when you don't really even know what you think yourself.
So thank you all for your patience and your prayers. I know I'm being led, and I trust I'll end up where I've needed to be, but as of yet, it doesn't look like I'm going to get the pillar of fire to follow.
For the time being, though, here's a video I just found of Caedmon's (or 6/8 of us) playing "There is a Reason" in a live/studio setting. Bryan shot this, but I never realized it. I think it's pretty cool.
Also, if you have a few minutes and need to laugh your eyeballs out (and you have a healthy appreciation for classic rock guitar playing) you need to CHECK THESE OUT. They're all amazing, but I recommend small doses daily. Too much could hurt you.
This has been a weird season for me, though, in that I haven't really known what to write. Writing about my journey is natural, and encouraging. But for the past little while now the journey has been to find what journey I should be taking, if that makes any sense.
Being the jack-of-all-trades musician has been so fun and allowed me such unique opportunities. But it feels like each individual road has become wide enough for me to travel, or would be if I walked down it a little bit. Picking which road has been wearying. And no, I haven't figured out which one(s) yet.
And that's made it hard to write. It's hard to know what to say when you don't really even know what you think yourself.
So thank you all for your patience and your prayers. I know I'm being led, and I trust I'll end up where I've needed to be, but as of yet, it doesn't look like I'm going to get the pillar of fire to follow.
For the time being, though, here's a video I just found of Caedmon's (or 6/8 of us) playing "There is a Reason" in a live/studio setting. Bryan shot this, but I never realized it. I think it's pretty cool.
Also, if you have a few minutes and need to laugh your eyeballs out (and you have a healthy appreciation for classic rock guitar playing) you need to CHECK THESE OUT. They're all amazing, but I recommend small doses daily. Too much could hurt you.
Reader Comments (8)
I feel it too. It's hard to write about things when you haven't figured them out yet. I'm like, "oh let's write about faith!.. wait, I don't have that figured out yet." I know there are things we'll never have "figured out" and I don't mean to sound like I ever will, but all I can seem to write are songs of struggle about how I can't figure anything out. Make sense? I guess it's sort of like what you were saying. I keep copping out to writing stories, which I'm not very good at.
poor carrie.. having to stand there and hold that laptop the whole time... ha
The video is great! Thanks for sharing. It's fun to see behind the scenes a bit.
I hate to be a gear head, but can you tell me about the Taylor 12 string guitar Derek's playing? I've been looking for one, and would love to get some details..
Man, the dreaded writers funk. Your story reminds me of myself, and part of the reason I tattooed my arm with the words "Jesus Gypsy". A definition of "gypsy" is:
- One inclined to a nomadic, unconventional way of life.
- A person who moves from place to place as required for employment.
You, and most professional musicians, live somewhat nomadic, unconventional ways of life. I too often feel "unconventional" for being a outsider. So I find myself at times bouncing around like a pinball, hoping to gain bonus points here and there by landing in the right spot. It's hard at times to feel like a wanderer, or to take a thousand right roads wrong. I just hope along the way I make a positive impact on those people I run into while I'm "wandering aimlessly". By my definition you're a Jesus Gypsy. You're drifting, searching for your journey, but you are impacting lives in a huge way in the meantime. That's a pretty cool road to be lost on. Keep with the good works. Songs and words will start pouring out soon.
I love those videos. The Jake E. Lee & Ozzy video was one of the funniest things I have ever seen on YouTube. I almost peed my pants. Check out the "Steve Vai Shreds" video also, flippin hilarious.
Those videos are so bizzare
You are the most prolific writer's-block-writer I know of. I discovered you and the Normals in 2003 and have followed you ever since. The Morning is great and Letters to the Editor is presently my favorite EP. You are getting better and growing as a songwriter. Growth is usually accompanyed by pain. Could this be what you are feeling? I don't know you as a person well enough to offer an intelligent opinion but I know that from my vantage point, you have continued to grow in your craft.
By the way:
On your first tour w/ Caedmons your opening act was Glassbyrd. Any idea what happened to them? Anyone?
Glassbyrd was made up of Marc Byrd and his wife, Christine. Marc still does writing and producing, and his current main project is his band, Hammock. (