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Georgia, Christopher, Tiny Fingers and Spaceships

Had a great show this past Saturday down in Georgia. Christopher and I (and our friend Austin, who has a real job) had a fun hang on the drives down and back up. The leaves are changing, the sun was out but the air was crisp. A perfect day to hang with some buddies and then go play songs about our feelings.

The venue was this little, old (late 1800's) Methodist chapel in the middle of some woods in the middle of some nowhere. The church looked like Pottery Barn had refinished it. It was gorgeous. The folks there were incredibly kind and made us feel far more welcome than we deserved.

Adam Riggins sent me some photos that he took and he also, and this is a first, put together a little video montage of the evening. Have a look...

Christopher is the only person I've ever seen convincingly pull off a song playing just a drum. You've got to see it to believe it. We've been neighbors and friends for a few years now, but this was the first time we'd done a show together and it was fun to hop in on tunes, and have him free me up by laying down some nice grooves under my songs. "Swing Wide the Glimmering Gates" may have been a highlight, as far as my songs went.

We ended the show by stepping out in front of the microphones and playing Tom Waits' "Jesus Gonna Be Here Soon". It's a killer, bluesy tune. Christopher howled on the harmonica and I just tried to keep up. So much fun. Hope we get to do it again sooner than later.

In other news, our daughter Sadie, 11 months old yesterday, wriggled the tips of a couple fingers into a bowl of soup on Friday night and got a few second-degree burns. So very sad to watch a little baby in pain and know that she doesn't understand why. The doctor said it's healing great, though, and she doesn't seem like it's bothering her too much. If I'd done that I'd be whining about it for weeks. This just proves my children are better people than their father. As it should be.

Okay, for today's Top Five, I need some books to read. Specifically, I need some novels to read. Even more specifically, I like the kind of novels that create their own world, whether it's Narnia or Hogwarts or spaceships (and I love spaceships) or Russia in the 1700's. So if you've got any suggestions, say, FIVE, of them, or just want to tell us which books in this vein you like, let us know.

Top Five Suggestions of Novels Andy Should Read

REMINDER : What we're trying to do with the Top Five's is to get conversation going on the Andy O Forum, so that the folks that come here can get to know each other a little bit. Please leave the Top Five's HERE.

So, thanks again to Matt and the folks who brought us down to Georgia this weekend. Thanks to Adam for sending the photos. Thanks to all the folks who came out, making me realize that there are some great people who support me very well down there and it's been too long since I'd seen most of them.

Have a great week.

Reader Comments (5)

That was a fun show. And it was only about 30 minutes from home, which is a nice bonus.

You're right about Christopher on a drum. My first reaction was skeptical, but he did a great job with it. "Swing Wide the Glimmering Gates" was certainly a highlight of the evening. I'd say "Jesus Gonna Be Here Soon" was equally awesome. And there's just something about "Kara" that makes that song sound new every time I hear it.

It was good chatting and seeing you again. I'm looking forward to the BTLOG and Overdressed tours.

November 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRon Davis

Awesome show Andy. I have been to a lot of shows, and something about this one, maybe just how intimate of a setting it was, made it one of the best ever. I'm glad you could use the pictures!

November 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAdam Riggins

Andy, we really had a great time at the show. Come back to the Atlanta area anytime! I've got my photographs of the show also uploaded to Flickr here:

November 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJeff H

This is completely off-topic, but I just wanted to stop by and say thanks again for the Baggs. I'm playing in church this Sunday and can't wait to try it out.

Oh, and by the way, you left a sticker on it containing what I can only presume is your phone number. In the spirit of your recent auction I think I'm going to put it up for sale on eBay. Bidding starts at $500 . . .

November 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJud

I met Christopher this summer while leading a group at YoungLife's Rockbridge in VA. I agree, his drumming brought chills to my spine.
Looking forward to seeing you in the BTLOG tour in Cincy.

November 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRob Chambers

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