Square Peg show tomorrow

is going to be...
Andrew Peterson
Billy Cerveny
Eric Peters
Chris Mason
Randall Goodgame
and yours truly...
We'll be doing a round of covers (of each other's tunes) as well, so we'd love to see you out there if you can make it!
Radio Cafe (14th and Woodland)
8 PM
Andrew Peterson
Billy Cerveny
Eric Peters
Chris Mason
Randall Goodgame
and yours truly...
We'll be doing a round of covers (of each other's tunes) as well, so we'd love to see you out there if you can make it!
Radio Cafe (14th and Woodland)
8 PM
Reader Comments (11)
AH I wish I could go so bad, why is Nashville so far from Ohio... what an amazing lineup. Please tell me that guy from is recording it. Have a great time.
Unfortunately, Geof said he won't be able to make it this week due to work.
See here:
Yeah, there probably won't be a bootleg of this show. I know we're all disappointed in Geof (putting work before music), but let's try not to beat him up over it. :)
Am I the only one seriously considering a move to Nashville to be closer to this stuff? I'm close enough to make the drive (some of the time), and I'm still keeping an eye on the Nashville jobs, "just in case."
Ronzilla says:
Am I the only one seriously considering a move to Nashville to be closer to this stuff?
Heck no! I bought some land in Crossville a couple of years ago with the intention of moving (all the way from CA.) and building a house. One of the really BIG plusses will be that I can drive just an hour or so and be "closer to this stuff". Hopefully, this will happen next spring. I can hardly wait!
Dear Ron:
Bite me. ;)
How free? Last time I got charged five bucks... a bargain, to be sure, which I paid gladly. Just sayin, be prepared to pay a little if you're under 21.
Wish I could be there :( Please come to Canada sometime, we'd love to have you...say in Abbotsford, British Columbia, it's just over the border from Washington, kind of near Seattle...or maybe you've been here before already and therefore know exactly where it is, either case, it would be great to see a live show, and I'm sure my hubby would love it!
Oops I think it's Bellingham not Washington...that we're over the border from.
Justin, that was the only time they charged for those under 21 (as far as I know).
Greg, if you moved to Crossville, you'd also be near the Cumberland Homestead- a New Deal community that still exists and consists largely of great-grandchildren of the displaced coalminers who first settled there. We played their Applefest this weekend with Julie Lee- pretty amazing.
Yea, we toured the old homestead schoolhouse and saw the museum for the homestead project. It is really cool. What was really interesting is that Seargent Alvin York was the first administrator for the homestead project in Crossville. Last year when we were there, we drove up near the Kentucky border to his home town and saw his grave. Really cool! Also cool, was the small old English settlement of Rugby, kind of a progessive English experiment into getting rid of classes back in the 1800's. It was a failure though. Applefest huh? Sounds fun!
I can't wait!