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swimming in songs

Maybe I'm weird, (ok, I know I am) but I often "landmark" different events, seasons, memories in my past with songs. For example, when I get within fifteen minutes of Normal, Il, my hometown, and it's anything resembling Autumn outside, I have to listen to R.E.M.'s Green. It's how I fully experience that memory.

These past couple months have been sort of a bizarre inverse of that idea, though. I have been writing more songs than I probably ever have in my life. This last week that has jumped into overdrive.

I've been writing with different artists and staff writers for their respective projects, and that has been a fun and new challenge. And by challenge I mean American Gladiators-style challenge. It has been good, but not easy at all.

I've also been writing a little bit for myself, which is sort of usual.

Plans are being made to go into the studio sooner than later for a new Caedmon's album, and I'm writing like a mad man for that. Randall Goodgame was just over a little bit ago and we were throwing out more ideas and seeing where ones in gestation had come so far. I can't say much at this point, vow-of-secrecy-we-know-where-you-live kind of stuff, but I can say that I am really, really excited for where it's going, and I'm thrilled, honored and a little nervous to get to be such a big part in it.

Not only have I been writing a ton, but I am surrounded by friends who are fantastic artists and a lot of them have been pumping out great new tunes as of late. At our Square Peg show last night we did a round of covers, everybody playing a song from somebody else up there, and everybody but me debuted new tunes, as well.

Chris Mason wrote a new one that really blew my mind with greatness, and Eric Peters ended the night with a fresh one about an onion. It sounds like it should be lame, but it was incredible. Really. Can't wait for you to hear it. Andy P played one he had shared at our Weaklings meeting last Tuesday that has been in my head all day, and almost made me cry every time I think about it.

The covers were a blast. I played one of Chris' (that he woefully has not recorded yet) called Innocence. I hope I did it justice, it's one of my favorite songs he's written. I played it on the new Elloree baritone, it did well on its maiden live show voyage. Andy P played an Eric Peters tune that I had produced a couple years ago, but somehow, hearing someone else interpret it made the song just get better to me. I heard things in it that had escaped me before, and I've heard that song a hundred times.

Also, Billy Cerveny sang Andrew Peterson's song Family Man with a subtle variation. His version was called I am a can of Spam.

And finally, my old buddy B.J., who was in The Normals with me, sent me the link to this beauty yesterday. For those of you who don't think you're as good as U2. They used to be worse than you. How encouraging and sort of unbelievably awful is this clip?

Reader Comments (13)

That clip is AWFUL! I mean, it's Spinal Tap bad!!!! The Edge looks like that Flying Tomato/snowboarder guy from the Olympics and Adam is just not even playing in the same zip code as that song. Bono sounds like he just drank a whole bottle of bubble bath and Larry sounds like a robotic monkey malfunctioning... GAH! Why did I have to see that!!!! That will haunt my dreams for weeks!

September 28, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterjoebassett

So which Eric Peter's song did AP sing? I'm guessing "Clenched Fist" or "These Hands." Man, it is a freakin' travesty that this show wasn't recorded. It's this sort of "show" that gets me even more jazzed up to hear songs I've heard hundreds of times. Doing each other's songs is absolutely cool ... humble, respectful (expect for the spam variation!) and supportive. I like the "subtle" variation of "Family Man." Subtle? Sure. LOL.

September 28, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterCurt

Good call, Curt. AP sang "These Hands" and really did a good job.

A few things AO didn't mention that made the night even better:
1. Eric Peters covered "Kankakee"
2. AP sang a song that's a sequel to "Kara" (and excellent, btw)
3. Arthur Alligood played a song from his new CD.
4. Jeremy Casella played a song as well

Curt, you should go to Nashville sometime. You would really enjoy those Tuesday night concerts. It's a bit far just for a concert, but if you're ever in Nashville, you should make sure you're there on a Square Peg Tuesday.

September 28, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterronzilla

The absolute best thing about that video is Edge's guitar cord...classic.


September 28, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterChall

Thanks for the details. Don't keep me wondering for too long, Ron. What happens in the sequel of "Kara?" AO, do you have any plans to release this one? Would you mind posting the lyrics? I would love to see the Pegs do one or two songs from other Pegs in their own regular concerts. These Tuesday night concerts and convering each other's songs are among the best ideas/surprises to come out of the Square Peg affiliation.

September 28, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterCurt

wOOHOO for American Gladiators! I have to go listen to that clip now...l8ers

September 28, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterDemara

I don't think that travesty is the word that you were looking for, Curt.

And ... that's all I'm going to say on the subject.

September 28, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterGeof F. Morris

Nice to hear The Edge without being drenched in delay. For kids, that was pretty good, especially the solo. Too bad Clayton hasn't progressed any over the years.

And I was wondering who covered your tunes, Andy! Maybe you all should put out a "Square Pegs Tribute Album" of you all playing each others' songs.

September 28, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterDanzilla

Curt, AP just wrote the sequel to "Kara" the day before, adn AO didn't know about it yet. That was part of what made it cool.

September 28, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterStephen

Andy i'm with you on the "landmarks". I live in Oklahoma but I'm from Wichita, KS and I drive back pretty often. Everytime I get close to the border of KS I have to throw in The Normals and hear "The Best I Can" while I look at the sky that covers Kansas.

can't wait to hear some of the new stuff.

sounds like an awesome SP show!

September 28, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMarc

andy didn't mention my covering "kankakee" more than likely b/c my feeble attempt at doing so was embarrassingly crummy (so sorry andy. that song deserves your nimble guitar skills, not my fumbling fingers). i will now go straight to jail and not collect $200....

September 28, 2006 | Unregistered Commentereric

Curt, on the one that AP played (that makes Osenga cry)...he only played it after getting confirmation that the show wasn't being recorded. Those 4 minutes of the night were the only ones I was glad there was no bootleg. It was a really good song.

And Eric, you did just fine. And I'm going to keep requesting "The Traveling Onion" so that everybody gets to hear it. It's a good one.

The part of the show where they played each others songs was interesting. I'm not sure it was the best as far as performance, but it was fun watching these guys stretch themselves to play songs that are a different type of style than what they usually play. Of all of the covers, I'd say Mason sounded the most natural with Goodgame's "She's Gone Forever."

For you writers out there, I'd be interested in hearing if there's a different approach to writing a song that you intend somebody else to cover than the approach used when writing for yourself. I ask because it seemed that Randall's song seemed (to me) to be covered really well, and CC plays his stuff. So I wonder if he's just used to writing in a way that would make a cover sound better or if I'm just used to hearing his stuff covered. (or if Chris Mason is such a rock star that he can pull off even the toughest of tasks)

September 29, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterronzilla

Awww man. I need to make sure that everyone knows that I won't release a recording if they don't want me to.

September 29, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterGeof F. Morris

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