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Entries from July 1, 2006 - July 31, 2006


The Looooonng Drive(s) Home

Well, I'm back. I've been pretty much out of touch with the computer for a couple of weeks now. Kind of nice, actually. (Besides this nagging guilt over not blogging every day...)

As I think I mentioned before, Cliff "knew a guy who knew a guy" that enabled Alison and I to replace our dying cars with some more reliable ones this past week. The problem was: they were in Houston. So one at a time, I drove them back. Maybe it's that I'm older, or that I don't usually make long drives alone, but I'm tired of driving right now.

The good part: both cars had air conditioning and working stereos (things I have lacked in mine for about five years...) so the drives weren't that bad. It was actually the first chunk of time I've been able to spend listening to music in months, so that's what I did. I thought about trying to write a little review on each album I listened to, but each drive was 14 hours long and that ended up being quite a lot of records. So I'll list them and see what happens...


Bob Dylan - Greatest Hits
(besides Rainy Day Woman, which is just not good, this album, along with Springsteen's, is the exception to the rule on Greatest Hits. It flows like an album, and a really good one at that. But it should have "Tangled Up In Blue" on it...)

Marc Cohn - Burning the Daze
(this one makes me think of Ben Shive's greatness and makes me wish I had this great of a lower register vocally. I wonder if that will happen with age. I hope so...)

Big Bang - Poetic Terrorism
(my current favorite thing to listen to. It's making me realize I don't hate acoustic guitars, just the way they get used in Nashville...)

The Fire Theft - The Fire Theft
(hearing this album all the way through for the first time made me like it a lot more. Some great rock band moments.)

Jeff Buckley - Grace
(Only one of the most influential albums ever. This dude is so freakishily talented. I am amazed every time I hear this how it just shatters all ideas of genre and song structure. And the dude's voice is the most incredible instrument. His version, the only one that matters, of "Hallelujah" is quite easily the most beautiful performance ever captured on tape.)

Sixpence None The Richer - Divine Discontent
(my favorite album by one of my favorite bands ever. In heaven, one of the things I hope to get to do is play these songs with this band. The fact that this record bombed is the essential proof that christian music has lost any ability it might have had to encourage true art, beauty or faith...)

At this point I was really tired and listened to a lot of NPR about President Bush and the Japanese Prime Minister coming to Graceland. I was in the Memphis area at that time. Sleeping in my backseat in a Target parking lot.

I also listened to a Ricky Gervais podcast and laughed so hard I could barely breathe, let alone wipe the streaming tears from my burning eyes. Before that I heard an interview with Jerry Falwell. The most incriminating thing NPR could have done to him was just let him talk about himself. Sad and scary. Somewhere after that I got home, at around 10:30 am and went to bed.


Three days later. Got a slightly earlier start.

Jars of Clay - Good Monsters
(Matt gave me a copy of their new one to check out and I really loved it. Rock and roll, man. The guitar tones are fantastic and I love the swagger they have now with Jeremy playing drums. Dan's voice sounds great, too. Can't wait to see these songs live.)

Andrew Peterson - The Far Country
(Made me call Andrew and tell him he needs to make another record and let me be a part of it again. This is one of my favorite things I've ever gotten to work on. Really a beautiful album.)

The Beatles - Revolver
(George's masterpiece. Seriously, he does effortlessly in sixteen bars with his solo on Tax Man what Jeff Tweedy has been trying to do for four albums. This is also the record that makes you realize The Beatles weren't just icons and great songwriters, they were a kick-butt rock band. This is the album you would want to see them play live.)

U2 - Achtung Baby
(Always a little scared to listen to this one. What if it's not as great as I remember? Have no fear, little one, it's beyond perfect, as usual. The greatest album of all time. Makes me realize why I didn't like their latest and why I can't wait for Sept. 18.)

Pink Floyd - The Wall
(I can not believe I used to listen to this every day in high school. No wonder I thought I was depressed. Still, you can't deny the genius of Roger's writing, and the guitar solos are as frustratingly brilliant as always. "Comfortably Numb" and "Love is Blindness" from Achtung Baby being my two favorite guitar solos of all-time, I started to feel a little like a sham...)

At this point I started to get a little antsy-pantsy, so I listened to the first couple of tracks from...

The Who - Who's Next
Kenny Meeks - Unfaded
The Cardigans - Long Gone Before Daylight
songs from Brian Whitman's MySpace Page
The Clash - London Calling
Portions of sermons from John Piper and Tim Keller and the first few chapters of Luke, as read by some really boring guy. None of it kept me awake, so I had to move on...
Another Ricky Gervais podcast. Again: tears.

And bringing me home...

Pearl Jam - Yield
(this is my favorite of their records. The songs are so great, the guitar sounds and parts are amazing and Eddie's voice is out-of-control awesome. I'm so glad they're still around. Their first record came out when I was 13 and I honestly feel like it's a gift that I've gotten to follow a band that great since they started.)

Well, that's about it. Probably very boring for you, but just wait, tomorrow I'll try to post pictures of my pedal board. That will be even MORE boring for you. But I will enjoy it. And about six other guitar nerds.

Well, the Osengas have all been a little under the weather this week, and staying up to ramble about records is fun, but won't be quite as awesome in the morning when Ella wants me to watch her open and shut doors for a couple of hours. Good night!

andy - the new k fed?

hey y'all - this is Alison (hence the "y'all")...Andy called and wanted me to post a little update. he is currently driving from Houston to Nashville (trek #2 in 3 days). he sends his thanks to all the peeps that came out to the CC show. also, he's feeling much better. umm, i think that's all he wanted me to say. keep it real.

finally... an update

Ok, so I've been out of touch for the past week or so and I've got probably a couple posts worth of stuff to share. I'm going to start off with some photos. These first ones were taken by Geof Morris at my show at The Mercy Lounge, here in Nashville, last week. The band was Paul Eckberg on drums, Cason on keys, David Grant on percussion, Chris Weigel on bass and Jason Feller on guitar. Jason didn't get in a single picture. Here are the rest of us...

We had our Caedmon's Band Retreat this week, to sit and talk about the future of the band (records, touring, being independent, etc...) AND to get all of our babies together. Benjamin Young, Sammy Miller and Ella were born within six weeks of each other. Here they are on a popazon chair...

Here are all the kiddos...

Here are some shots Geof sent me from a Caedmon's show in Georgia a few weeks ago (pre-Summer haircut) I thought they were pretty cool...

Todd took this one on his camera phone. He's amazing...

In other news, Shaun Groves linked to this interesting interview on his blog, ahem, his Shlog, the other day... I thought it seemed interesting, and I really want to read the book by this guy on this subject. It's all about Christian music from on outsider's perspective. As someone who has grown more and more disenfranchised with Christian music, and who is also becoming more and more responsible for it, I have been really struggling with the issue of being involved in this subculture. This interview might help start a little dialogue about the issue.

Anyway, that's the quick update on the past week. I'll write again soon with a couple of other things going on. Right now I've got to get ready to go over to 12 South and soundcheck for tonight's show.

Short Nashville Set Tonight!

Hey Nashvillians, I'm playng a short set tonight at 12 South. Matthew Jones and J.J. Heller will also be playing. It's going to be just a couple bucks and we'd love to see you out there. Sorry for the short notice. Show starts at 8!

home... sweet... ho... zz...  zz...

Sorry I've been incommunicado all week. We had the Caedmon's retreat and didn't have internet or phones or anything the whole time. The dealership down there worked it out to get Alison and I a pair of new (for us) cars, so I pulled an all-nighter last night to get one of them home from Houston. I've got a lot to tell you about, but honestly, I can't stay awake any longer. I'll write tomorrow. When I can type quicker because I don't have the no-sleep-jitters... Good night!
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