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andy - the new k fed?

hey y'all - this is Alison (hence the "y'all")...Andy called and wanted me to post a little update. he is currently driving from Houston to Nashville (trek #2 in 3 days). he sends his thanks to all the peeps that came out to the CC show. also, he's feeling much better. umm, i think that's all he wanted me to say. keep it real.

Reader Comments (4)

hi alison!

July 3, 2006 | Unregistered Commentercfessler

i just wanted to say how much i was blessed by the oklahoma city show last night. we drove from kansas city (you seemed like you thought that was a long drive... only 5 hours!) just to see it, and it was worth every bit of sleep i lost. i had to work at 10 this morning! my body may have been tired, but my soul was revived this morning. before you played early in the morning, you spoke about a time in your life when you were "bitter." that resonated with me. i'm 600 miles from where i go to school, 200 miles from my family, and my workplace isn't exactly full of spiritually uplifting people. like most 20 somethings, i'm caught in a struggle between what i really want to do with my life and what is "responsible." my passion is music, but "real-life" seems to squelch that flame. seeking God's will seems to have turned into a dead end. though i know true wisdom is not seeing everything, rather seeing just enough, i still let myself be overcome by despair and bitterness. then i realize that i'm squandering the precious time and opportunities God is affording me right now, and it leads me to despair for my lack of total faith in God's plan. no, one song cannot fix my circumstances and/or attitudes, but it has reminded me of what i already knew. perhaps i can water that seed, nourish that sapling, and begin the journey back to peace and contentment in the Lord and all He's done for me. thank you for your ministry.

July 4, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterclint

See, you had me faked out, Alison. I thought calling Andy "the new K-Fed" meant that you were pregnant again.

July 4, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterGeof F. Morris

HAHA, I thought it meant that the new Caedmon's incarnation was gonna include Andy as a hype back-up dancer...darn!

July 5, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterChasemonkey

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