home... sweet... ho... zz... zz...

Sorry I've been incommunicado all week. We had the Caedmon's retreat and didn't have internet or phones or anything the whole time. The dealership down there worked it out to get Alison and I a pair of new (for us) cars, so I pulled an all-nighter last night to get one of them home from Houston. I've got a lot to tell you about, but honestly, I can't stay awake any longer. I'll write tomorrow. When I can type quicker because I don't have the no-sleep-jitters... Good night!
Reader Comments (2)
Glad you guys got new(er) cars, now you can roll in style!
What kind of cars? More Volvos? Glad to hear that it worked out. I'm also looking forward to hearing what's coming up with Caedmon's as a result of the retreat.