it's Friday night and the mood is right...

Man, it's almost 1 o'clock Saturday morning now and I'm about to head to bed. I just wanted to drop a quick note to let you guys know what was going on.
I've spent most of this week working on my record. I feel that it really turned a corner this week from being a work-in-progress to something almost finished. Most of the tracks are done and I'm about halfway through with the vocals. I'll have it done a healthy time before it goes to mix, which will be very refreshing for me. I'm almost always still recording while other songs are being mixed and I'm so glad to not have to do that on this one. It's really sounding amazing and I honestly can't wait for you to hear it. I think you'll really like it. I do.
A couple of days ago I was singing a vocal track for one of the songs and realized "I don't want to sing this." Some of the lyrics to these songs are quite personal and have been birthed out of things that aren't necessarily public fodder. Not that the thoughts weren't valid or worth writing about, but they all weren't the type of thing to put on a record and have to sing in two years in some club in Milwaukee. So I stayed up really late and re-wrote the lyrics for a couple different songs. I think (I hope) that they turned out even better than what I had originally, but it was a hard thing to do. Even though I knew I didn't want to use what I had, I really liked it, and so it was tough to let it go in hopes of finding something more, or at least equally, inspiring. The Lord provides, though, and I'm now more excited about both of these tracks. I won't have to mute the vocals when friends drop by the studio anymore. And Matthew Smith got his name in a song. Not "Smith" though, just "Matthew." In three months somebody will get to link to this post when somebody on a message board asks who they think that lyric is about, so I hope he likes it.
Today I worked on Matt Long's project, and we'll knock out a bit more tomorrow. Ben Shive kicked some major organ/piano butt and did pretty much the whole project in one day. For the recording enthusiasts out there I used a new preamp today, the A Designs "Pacifica", a new design based on the old Quad-8 boards, and I absolutely fell in love with it. A very up-front, punchy sound while still being very musical and full. A great counterpoint to the Neve's and API's I usually use. Anyway, enough geek talk.
I'm still on the hunt for a space to move the studio, though I'm chasing a few leads and hope to find something next week. If you're the praying type, I would appreciate your prayers for this search. I know it's going to be a great thing, but it's been a bit draining and frustrating, on top of trying to get so many other things done. I'm confident, though, that the right place will make itself known in the right time. Ideally, it will be accompanied by a choir of heavenly angels singing Handel's "Messiah" while a bright beam of shining sunlight comes to rest on a glorious "For Rent" sign. I'll let you know.
That's about it from the work side. I've gotten to hang out and catch up with a lot of great friends this week, Cason, Ben, Jason Feller, Billy Cerveny, Justin Rosolino, etc... and I've really enjoyed it. Chris and Bethany Mason spent the evening over here and just left about a half an hour ago. We had a great time. Jeremy Casella and I are meeting tomorrow to plan some upcoming projects and I'm looking forward to that time as well.
All right, it is way past my bedtime, and I'm almost done with the book "Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell" which is freaking incredible, and so I'll probably be up a little bit more. Good night and thanks for stopping by.
I've spent most of this week working on my record. I feel that it really turned a corner this week from being a work-in-progress to something almost finished. Most of the tracks are done and I'm about halfway through with the vocals. I'll have it done a healthy time before it goes to mix, which will be very refreshing for me. I'm almost always still recording while other songs are being mixed and I'm so glad to not have to do that on this one. It's really sounding amazing and I honestly can't wait for you to hear it. I think you'll really like it. I do.
A couple of days ago I was singing a vocal track for one of the songs and realized "I don't want to sing this." Some of the lyrics to these songs are quite personal and have been birthed out of things that aren't necessarily public fodder. Not that the thoughts weren't valid or worth writing about, but they all weren't the type of thing to put on a record and have to sing in two years in some club in Milwaukee. So I stayed up really late and re-wrote the lyrics for a couple different songs. I think (I hope) that they turned out even better than what I had originally, but it was a hard thing to do. Even though I knew I didn't want to use what I had, I really liked it, and so it was tough to let it go in hopes of finding something more, or at least equally, inspiring. The Lord provides, though, and I'm now more excited about both of these tracks. I won't have to mute the vocals when friends drop by the studio anymore. And Matthew Smith got his name in a song. Not "Smith" though, just "Matthew." In three months somebody will get to link to this post when somebody on a message board asks who they think that lyric is about, so I hope he likes it.
Today I worked on Matt Long's project, and we'll knock out a bit more tomorrow. Ben Shive kicked some major organ/piano butt and did pretty much the whole project in one day. For the recording enthusiasts out there I used a new preamp today, the A Designs "Pacifica", a new design based on the old Quad-8 boards, and I absolutely fell in love with it. A very up-front, punchy sound while still being very musical and full. A great counterpoint to the Neve's and API's I usually use. Anyway, enough geek talk.
I'm still on the hunt for a space to move the studio, though I'm chasing a few leads and hope to find something next week. If you're the praying type, I would appreciate your prayers for this search. I know it's going to be a great thing, but it's been a bit draining and frustrating, on top of trying to get so many other things done. I'm confident, though, that the right place will make itself known in the right time. Ideally, it will be accompanied by a choir of heavenly angels singing Handel's "Messiah" while a bright beam of shining sunlight comes to rest on a glorious "For Rent" sign. I'll let you know.
That's about it from the work side. I've gotten to hang out and catch up with a lot of great friends this week, Cason, Ben, Jason Feller, Billy Cerveny, Justin Rosolino, etc... and I've really enjoyed it. Chris and Bethany Mason spent the evening over here and just left about a half an hour ago. We had a great time. Jeremy Casella and I are meeting tomorrow to plan some upcoming projects and I'm looking forward to that time as well.
All right, it is way past my bedtime, and I'm almost done with the book "Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell" which is freaking incredible, and so I'll probably be up a little bit more. Good night and thanks for stopping by.