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Entries from April 1, 2007 - April 30, 2007


off to mix

You may have noticed it's been a bit sparse around here lately. Sorry about that.

I pulled yet another all-nighter yesterday and finished editing and preparing the tracks for the new Caedmon's Call record at 10 am today. I think I played the last note, a guitar solo on the song "Sacred", at about 3:30 am.

It was a good feeling.

Now there are two hard drives in the possession of two very kind and talented gentlemen, named Shane Wilson and Andy Hunt, respectively. They will open the files I worked on, and then do things to them I don't understand, causing them to sound wicked awesome.

I can't wait.

And I'm going to bed early tonight.

Backstage background vocals

We got almost done with vocals by Wednesday, but we still had a few things left over so I heaved a veritable ton of equipment onto a series of very small airplanes to get it here in Minnesota. I set it up in the dressing room of tonight's venue. (See Figure 1)

Fig. 1

After my glorious all-nighter, of which I'm sure I'll need another to get finished in time, I was thrilled to see that everything worked when I got it plugged up. (See Figure 2)

Fig. 2

Cliff and I threw some more background vocals on the songs "Sacred" and "There is a Reason". (See Figure 3)

Fig. 3

All right, have to go play. Talk to you soon.

I'm too old for this

Yes, folks, you read it here first. I'm pulling an all-nighter working on Pro Tools files for some last-minute recording to take place at our show later today in Minneapolis. If I were to sleep now I'd have to get up in three hours and I still have a ton of work to do, so...

I'm already jittery. This is a good sign. I can't believe I used to do this all the time. We were so young and so alive, and apparently awake as well...

It's Official. (part 1)

We officially have a title and release date for the new Caedmon's Call record.

Overdressed will be out August 28, 2007.

Oh yeah.

Nashville tomorrow night


If you're in Nashville tomorrow night, whatever you're doing won't be as cool as what you could be doing if you were watching this show. I'm playing guitar for Billy and Matthew, Cason and Chris Weigel are playing for both as well. The drummers are swapping out, Andy Hubbard with Matthew and Paul Eckberg with Billy. Seriously. That's insane. You should come. Five bucks. See you there.