off to mix

You may have noticed it's been a bit sparse around here lately. Sorry about that.
I pulled yet another all-nighter yesterday and finished editing and preparing the tracks for the new Caedmon's Call record at 10 am today. I think I played the last note, a guitar solo on the song "Sacred", at about 3:30 am.
It was a good feeling.
Now there are two hard drives in the possession of two very kind and talented gentlemen, named Shane Wilson and Andy Hunt, respectively. They will open the files I worked on, and then do things to them I don't understand, causing them to sound wicked awesome.
I can't wait.
And I'm going to bed early tonight.
I pulled yet another all-nighter yesterday and finished editing and preparing the tracks for the new Caedmon's Call record at 10 am today. I think I played the last note, a guitar solo on the song "Sacred", at about 3:30 am.
It was a good feeling.
Now there are two hard drives in the possession of two very kind and talented gentlemen, named Shane Wilson and Andy Hunt, respectively. They will open the files I worked on, and then do things to them I don't understand, causing them to sound wicked awesome.
I can't wait.
And I'm going to bed early tonight.
Reader Comments (13)
it's been quite a while since we've had any sound clips....I think we should hear Sacred
Yes! One step closer to being overdressed.
Very exciting Andy! My band went throught a similar process recently so you have my respect. Really looking forward to the new record! Get some sleep man you've more than earned it.
In Christ,
"wicked awesome" ???
what are you from Boston all the sudden?
Can't wait to hear the new record...I'm with Chuck, we need sound clips!
Rest well, Andy. I'm sure the CD will be "Wicked awesome!"
That's awesome! Only 4 months and 5 days until release day! I'm excited.
I'm probably coming to the Montreat to see you and Derek this Friday! I've never seen your solo shows so I'm excited...if I come Overdressed in a suit you should play a new song from the cd...
for the record, I am a fan of anyone who says "wicked awesome"
your schedule has the wrong venue on it. It should be as follows:
Thursday, April 26, 2007
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Grace Church
21129 Timberlake Rd.
Lynchburg, VA
With that said I hope you rock our collective faces off and they give you more time to do more than just 4 songs.
Give the aoblog world a nod and include new begining and the best i can in your setlist.
I like how we both use the word wicked, and i have heard you say killer and i say that too. man we should be bestfriends
Hey Andy,
I don't know how much of your stuff you're going to get to play at your shows w/Derek, but I thought it would be wicked amazing if you two did "When Will I Run", not just because it's my favorite song of yours (that's 97% of the reason), but because you two did it together in the first place. So, if you two could do that in Jacksonville on May 2, that would be greeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. & if not, I'll just assume you hate all your fans, especially the ones named Josh. Your call.
you should do "When Will I Run" at the Montreat show too, as well as Photographs...maybe with a little Bombay Rain
Yeah, "When Will I Run" would be sweet at the Jammin' Java show in Vienna, VA, too. :)