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These sunglasses.  Miley, Bieber, N'Sync songs.  You know I'm at YoungLife camp.

It's been amazing so far, the girls are having a great time.  But, dear sweet Lord, I am tired.

I'll try to take some better pics this week and post them soon.

I've also played "Ball Game" and "I'm On Your Side", which has gone awesome.  Tonight I'll play "Swing Wide" and then will jump into the new songs.

Reader Comments (6)

Glad things are going well. Stop being such an old man!
June 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNick Flora
I wish I was still leading and could have brought kids to camp while you were playing. I know it's something Amy and I always dreamed of.
June 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBen E
Those glasses are fine like bulliet whiskey!!
Yeah, camp was great. I'm glad to be home, but sad that I had to leave. You definitely made it memorable!
June 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTyler Westley
Hey Mr. Osenga,
I was actually there :) at Crooked Creek Younglife Camp. It was REALLY the best week of my life. You may remember me..haha I was with the red-head in the pool that one day :) haha. I really enjoyed your music. Your lyrics are really touching. Your baby girls are WAY gorgeous..I hope to see you at a concert one day. God Bless. Love always, CrAzYaSiAn
June 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSavana Sounakhene
I was just at Crooked Creek!! You are awesome, i'm actually listening to one of your cds right now!! i hope all goes well in your life!! God Bless!!
Love, Danielle Word Houston, Texas
June 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDanielle Word

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