I'm a fan.

One of my favorite bands, Sixpence none the richer, got back together and played their first Nashville show in years tonight. Well, they got back together before tonight. Tonight they just played a show.
But it was a good show. And you better believe I was there.
Now Nashville, TN is a great city. I love it and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. But there are a few things about Nashville that aren't perfect, believe it or not. You see, you have us to thank for the Wildhorse Saloon, Al Gore, and ironically, the music of the band Alabama.
The only other thing about Nashville that's not great is that there's so much music you don't really get to be a fan. I mean, it's great in that you're always hearing new and inspiring stuff. But it's always a guy you know, or his cousin, or somebody's roommate. It's not like high school where you just read liner notes and listened endlessly and the people were pseudo-mythical figures.
I've lived here for eleven years and I've had the real honor of working with just about everybody I listened to in high school who's not dead or in U2, Pink Floyd or the Beatles. It's shocking and amazing at first, but it wears off and you realize they're just dudes like you, and the magic fades away a little bit.
Except for this band Sixpence. I don't care. I just freaking love them. They're one of my favorites. They always have been and they always will be. I've played a few things with Matt, mostly at Andy P's Christmas shows, and Leigh sang on the first Normals record. But somehow, they never faded to me. I'm a fan. And I love it.
Matt's one of the biggest influences on me as a guitar player, and I wish he was more as a writer. I still have to figure out how to get things to bounce and jangle like he does, while still maintaining the depth and gravity that takes me inside.
Anyway, it was great to see them tonight. And my good friends Cason and Will are playing with them now, which was just great to see. Tonight was actually the first Sixpence show since I've moved to Nashville that I didn't watch next to Cason. I was grinning knowing how much they were both loving it. And they did a great job.
So yeah. Nashville, I love you. But I will not give in this time. I'm staying a fan. And even though I'm not wearing my 1997 tour shirt out in the open so everybody can see it, I am wearing it underneath. By my heart. Where it really counts.

Reader Comments (19)
Sixpence huh... Good band... Really liked their cover of that Crowded House song (which was an unusual thing for me to like)... So now i'm gonna ask my real question and wait patiently for some semblence of an answer: When are you going to be selling some used gear? I need a volume pedal if you've got one you want to unload for slightly less than [enter name of music store] charges.
Ahhh....Sixpence's "This Beautiful Mess" is still in my list of top Christian albums of all time. An awesome album that was ahead of it's time.
So did they play any new music??? How was it?
It's great of you to come clean and let your flag fly. I liked what I heard off of Leigh's solo album. She definitely has one of the best/most identifiable voices in pop music.
Next, can you write an ode for your love of Clear, so that I and their other 14 fans can reminisce?
Anyhow, dude, glad you got to see it ... and wacky that Cason and Will are playing with them. And by "wacky", I mean "awesome".
That was such a good show... saw your wife by the door, but not you. Then again, it was pretty packed.
Keith - they played a few new tunes from the upcoming EP. Fantastic!
Andy, you and I have discussed our love for Sixpence before. They are amazing. Here's the best thing i can think to say about Sixpence.
When we spend a weekend in Massachusetts visiting my folks, we spend over 12 hours in the car driving there and back. That's a lot of music to listen to. Inevitably, around the 10 hour mark I start to hate music, and really i dont want to listen to anything. ever. And that's when i think to put in Sixpence, and i do, and i love music again.
And Morris! Dude! Clear! wow...I loved Clear! totally forgot about that album they put out. Wow. just wow.
I, too, am a fan. Hands down, Sixpence is my favorite band.
And for a backhanded compliment, how about this: Sixpence putting out new stuff is about the ONLY thing that is better than a new Normals record would be.
I've always wondered if Matt's pedalboards were the inspiration for your pedalboard posts. His pedalboards are awesome (as are yours)!
ain't nothin wrong with Al Gore, BOI!
First of all, great post. I'm very happy that Sixpence is playing again. One thing though. I thought that the majority of the band Alabama was from Ft. Payne, AL?
great post man! and what a cool show last night.
i totally hear you about being in nash and losing that sense of "fanship".
what a gift music is. thanks again for this.
Good post. I think my wife has has a Sixpence CD somewhere, I'll have to give it as listen.
I just wanted to say that I picked up a copy of 'Coming to Life' this morning [crazily but conveniently placed in a bargain bin], and I have been listening to it whilst working. I have to say it is freakin' amazing. My best bud always popped it in the player during college, and I am now just beginning to appreciate how good it is.
So glad you're a member of Caedmon's. Love your stuff.
Yeah I remember when I realized the reality of Andy O being a regular dude...I haven't been able to listen to him since
And Josh Andy's post on his week last. He'll post the gear he's selling when he has time
Ok my bad... didn't mean to sound pushy or anything... just curious is all... I don't get to check this site all that much anymore...
Andy- how dare you knock Alabama!
"Mountain Music" changed my life.
I just posted the set list from last night over on my blog:
So I'm pretty sure I have two pictures with you Andy and now that I look at them, your wearing the same Sixpence shirt in both of them. Suffice to say, the shows were at least a year apart and both in Houston so I'm guessing you may have washed it a couple times in between. Maybe.
1996, Creationfest moved to Hershey Park because of flooding, and I heard Leigh's voice reverberate off the walls of a hockey arena in about 105 degree heat. First time to see them live, and it was still awesome. Saw them later that year at my school, Anderson University, in our small Byrum Hall, and they let loose late in the show playing, "Lowrider". I could go on, but I too, will always be a fan, & This Beautiful Mess is one of the best!
Thanks for saying what you did in your post. I realize that as I have gotten older (husband/father/generally responsible adult, probably in that order) that I have lost the wonderment in most things. I even sometimes feel like I am alone in my "rabid" enjoyment of anything. It is nice to hear you feel the same way about a band that I feel about Caedmon's/everyone who has been in the band or written a song for them. I do hope you get to hang out your favorites the same way I did in March when CC was in the SC/NC area. I still don't think I have stopped talking about 3.5 shows in 3 nights and the awe that filled my eyes getting to see my absolute favorite, the best of the best, rock it out and then be so personable afterward. I could say more, but I guess I am happy for you is enough.
Now I have to stop reading you blog and go back to sleep. I have to get up and help get my little girl ready for school and go to work in about an hour and half!