If this week were a dude

"If this week were a dude," I told a friend last night, "I'd punch him right in the nose." It's been a fairly ridiculous week where something fairly major broke almost every day.
Tuesday I followed my friend Brody's suggestion for "positive post Tuesday" and then jumped in the shower. And then promptly jumped out again when my wife informed me that a decent portion of the water was spilling into the storage closet in our basement.
If you remember last year, we had to have almost every inch of our plumbing replaced, because it leaked into our basement, ruining three rooms. We've just gotten within sight of having a workable space down there again when we found this leak, in the six feet of pipe that wasn't replaced last year. Come on. Bring the party.
So Wednesday was just a rough day, more internally than externally. Writer's block and finding out about some health insurance miscommunication just furthered that.
Then Thursday night I decided to get on a better track, a healthier track. Specifically, the elliptical machine in the basement. I set up my computer on a pile of guitar cases so I could watch 30 Rock while working up a little sweat. Of course, the computer fell off, breaking the screen and rendering it unusable. So I don't have a working computer right now, hence your emails have not been returned.
Yesterday I hopped in my car to pick up Todd and Garett so we could drive to Dyersburg, TN for a Caedmon's show. Before I even got to Todd's house the check engine light came on. Somehow we got all the way to the show, but we couldn't go more than 40 mph uphill and it was shaking like we were breaking through the atmosphere. Took it to a place called Master Muffler down the street from the college where we played and they informed one of the cylinders in my engine wasn't firing. Apparently, this is a bad thing.
On the other hand, they were able to fix it by their closing time and it was a much better ride on the way home. Also, we had a great conversation about all the alliterative muffler shop name possibilities, such as...
- Mighty Muffler
- Muffler Magic
- Mother Muffler
- Shut De Do, Keep Out De Muffla
- Muffler Monster
- Muffler Mama
...And so on. You can tell we were tired.
We had a good show in Dyersburg. A good crowd and some fun, musical moments. Danielle and all four of their kids are sick, so she wasn't able to make up. But the illustrious Mandy Mann (CLICK HERE) filled in and did a wonderful job.
Alison got to come to the show last night, as well. The second Caedmon's show she's seen since she was on the Share the Well Tour. Pregnant. So that was really fun. Three different neighbors took turns babysitting so that she could have the freedom to leave. Pretty amazing.
Tonight, however, holds the possibility of making up for this whole week. The season finale of the LAST season of Battlestar Galactica aired last night. I had a show, obviously, and so did Andrew Peterson, so we're going to have a nerd party tonight and geek out together. We've been waiting over a year for this, and I have high expectations.
So I guess if this week were a dude I'd punch him in the nose, but then apologize and buy him ice cream (then talk mean about him behind his back later.)
Tuesday I followed my friend Brody's suggestion for "positive post Tuesday" and then jumped in the shower. And then promptly jumped out again when my wife informed me that a decent portion of the water was spilling into the storage closet in our basement.
If you remember last year, we had to have almost every inch of our plumbing replaced, because it leaked into our basement, ruining three rooms. We've just gotten within sight of having a workable space down there again when we found this leak, in the six feet of pipe that wasn't replaced last year. Come on. Bring the party.
So Wednesday was just a rough day, more internally than externally. Writer's block and finding out about some health insurance miscommunication just furthered that.
Then Thursday night I decided to get on a better track, a healthier track. Specifically, the elliptical machine in the basement. I set up my computer on a pile of guitar cases so I could watch 30 Rock while working up a little sweat. Of course, the computer fell off, breaking the screen and rendering it unusable. So I don't have a working computer right now, hence your emails have not been returned.
Yesterday I hopped in my car to pick up Todd and Garett so we could drive to Dyersburg, TN for a Caedmon's show. Before I even got to Todd's house the check engine light came on. Somehow we got all the way to the show, but we couldn't go more than 40 mph uphill and it was shaking like we were breaking through the atmosphere. Took it to a place called Master Muffler down the street from the college where we played and they informed one of the cylinders in my engine wasn't firing. Apparently, this is a bad thing.
On the other hand, they were able to fix it by their closing time and it was a much better ride on the way home. Also, we had a great conversation about all the alliterative muffler shop name possibilities, such as...
- Mighty Muffler
- Muffler Magic
- Mother Muffler
- Shut De Do, Keep Out De Muffla
- Muffler Monster
- Muffler Mama
...And so on. You can tell we were tired.
We had a good show in Dyersburg. A good crowd and some fun, musical moments. Danielle and all four of their kids are sick, so she wasn't able to make up. But the illustrious Mandy Mann (CLICK HERE) filled in and did a wonderful job.
Alison got to come to the show last night, as well. The second Caedmon's show she's seen since she was on the Share the Well Tour. Pregnant. So that was really fun. Three different neighbors took turns babysitting so that she could have the freedom to leave. Pretty amazing.
Tonight, however, holds the possibility of making up for this whole week. The season finale of the LAST season of Battlestar Galactica aired last night. I had a show, obviously, and so did Andrew Peterson, so we're going to have a nerd party tonight and geek out together. We've been waiting over a year for this, and I have high expectations.
So I guess if this week were a dude I'd punch him in the nose, but then apologize and buy him ice cream (then talk mean about him behind his back later.)
Reader Comments (16)
Wow that sucks...
hope this next week goes better
wish i could have been there last night, it being in my home town and all...
glad it went well.. hope you have a better week.
.....shut de do' keep the muffla in the night??
and guitar player magazine came out and has a huge spread on pedal boards this month! and photos of andy summers' board! that's ice cream worthy.
Good luck with your computer. I can just imagine the pain if my PowerBook were to "crash" in a similar manner.
As for Galactica, how awesome is that series? The first ep of the final season didn't disappoint. The twist of the newest four cylons makes for very interesting story lines. Of course, who is the final cylon?! Starbuck? Baltar? Too easy. I'm thinking it's someone NOT on main ship (Baltar's lawyer), or maybe someone thought lost (Billy?). My vote...Zarek. How cool if the original Apollo is a cylon.
It's gonna be a great ride to the finish line. Hope you're week finishes up well, too.
you lost me on the battlestar. the last episode i saw starred lorne greene.
all that other stuff sucked though. but the car incident makes for a good story.
hopefully you can high five this week :)
how about Muffler Madness...I think you used that one last night. It was a good show, minus the one time the guy tripped over the soundboards power cord. Swing Wide the Shimmering Gates was awesome. Sorry you had a bad week, but the show was the best night of this year so far for me, so thank you.
andrew - your guitar solo was so awesome. Like crazy good. The 1000 miles i drove (literally) to see your concert was great. You were out of the t-shirt I wanted. I want to buy one. Pay-pal okay? Again..very very good, and If I sold dipers at Office Depot (where I work) I'd give you a discount because you rocked so hard. WayToGo. Awesome Show!
I second Phillip. This was the best night of the concert wise, it was the best thing I've seen since u2. Great, great job! Just come to Chattanooga next time.
Hang in there man..... sorry for the crappy week.... sometimes you gotta just punch the week in the face and wait for next tuesday.
I was so happy to see Alison there. I was even happier because the show killed and she got to see it.
[Yes, yes, I recorded the show. Yes, yes, I'll release it. Gimme time.]
Say, Andy, you weren't trying to impress her, were you?
"I guess if this week were a dude I’d punch him in the nose, but then apologize and buy him ice cream (then talk mean about him behind his back later.)"
I see how you do...
crappy week and blah blah blah... sorry to hear it. i feel your pain and all...
now... how about that battlestar, eh? my boss thinks rosalin's the final cylon... wouldn't that be a kick in the pants?
and wally... if the only battlestar you've ever seen had lorne greene anywhere near it, you've never seen battlestar. can i get an amen?
Amen, Shane. Amen.
As for Rosalyn as a cylon...why didn't she hear the song with the rest of them and go the "meeting room"? That's what I think it's someone who wasn't on Galactica. Of course, she did get that injection of cylon blood that might be confusing things...
Hey Andy,
It was good meeting you after the Dyersburg show. I was the big bearded dude that got your two solo CDs and remarked how good of a guitar player you are. The CDs are tremendous! and the show was incredible!
Thanks for coming to Dyersburg. I hope to catch you next time you are near.
And doubly good to hear Sixpence got back together.