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Comedy of Errors

I'm sitting in a comfortable Denver hotel room, listening to Andy Gullahorn's new record, and occasionally watching this great youtube clip Alison sent me last night. (Mom, you'll like that one. Click on it.)

We played last night at Derek's brother's church in Lincoln, NE. I won't lie to you, people, I'm an honest man. Last night was kind of rough. It was a comedy of errors, my pedalboard broke (a cable shorted out - I discovered today), Cliff forgot a bunch of words, I had a CAPO break!, and everybody had at least one "where are we?" moment.

I think sometimes those sorts of things can make for a fun show, though, if everybody's having a good time. The crowd was great and gracious and I think a good time was had. That said, tonight will be a better show. I am very sure of this.

The best part of the show, though, was only seen (to my knowledge) by me and me alone. Josh stood up from his organ, took a swig of Red Bull and stepped off of his riser. The thing is, he thought there was more riser there. He fell so wonderfully completely, splashing Red Bull straight in his face while his hair flew out like a parachute. I almost passed out from laughing. Tall, lanky people falling is good comedy.

After the Caedmon's show, Ben Davy drove me over to Grace Chapel, a place I had played about a year ago. I got to sing some more songs to about 50 or 60 late night owls and it was really a wonderful time. What an honor it is to get to come to some other city and have people devote five or six hours to hearing me and my friends play songs. It's not fair, but I won't complain. Thanks again and again to all you who took the trek over for that second set.

At shows I usually tell people to buy my cd's so I can go get diapers for the girls, and usually this is true. Today, though, there is an Old Navy across the corner from where we're playing, and they're having a half-off sale on little kid's clothes. So if you bought a cd last night, that cash went straight to Old Navy for some 3T and 18month clothes for the girls. Just trying to stay honest.

Of course, since I'm a guy trying to guess what would be cute on a little girl, I got an itemized receipt.

Reader Comments (19)

Andy G's new album is much better than his last...I give it seven thumbs up.

but I give your board break 4 sad faces and 1 winking face...because it made me laugh a little

February 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBo D.

man, I'm so jealous that you got to ride in the same car as Ben Davy. what a stud.

Though, I'm sure Nebraska's not the same without me, right?

February 9, 2008 | Unregistered Commenternick flora


February 9, 2008 | Unregistered Commenternick flora

I think it's so funny because the little boy is British.

February 9, 2008 | Unregistered Commentereiijah

it's kinda hard to go wrong with old navy girls .... my cousin is a graphic designer for a lot of their girls' and women's clothing :D

it really is unfortunate that no one else caught that moment of hilarity.

i've had a lyric in my head all day today, you might be a bit familiar with it:

"we are the beggars at the foot of God's door..."

good song.

February 9, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterrachel

I'm sitting in front of my computer listening to the CD's we bought at Grace Chapel and the EP, thinking what a great time we had last night. Loved the Cademons' set, loved hearing you solo even more. I'd be great to hear you live again sometime, come back soon...

February 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterScott

the video was really cute until i learned charlie is 70. that kid laughs like a ornery grandpa.

February 10, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdanny

You are a brave man Andrew. I never buy kids clothes. Sizes, colors, and a sense of style all escape me.

February 10, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjason

Sounds like a rough show. Hopefully things will get better and kinks will be worked out. -though tell Josh he's free to fall at every show.

February 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJosh Stockment

I love how this completely disproves the theory that red bull gives you wings.

February 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRoss Harris

The moment of hilarity was seen by at least one other person. I thoroughly enjoyed not only that moment, but many others during the show.

February 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterStacie

I just wanted to say, great show.

Your solo (not completely solo, but you know what I mean) performance was the highlight of the night. I'm an aspiring guitar player/singer song writer.

The show was a blast :]

Austin Nichols.

February 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAustin N.

Kinks or no kinks, the music was great in Lincoln. All of you looked like you were enjoying yourselves and made all of us in the audience feel comfortable, like we were among friends. Thanks for coming, thanks for playing, thanks for making human mistakes (the pedalboard wasn't your fault - I've had that happen) and thanks for providing us with a wonderful evening of music. And I'd love to hear more about how you managed to break a capo. (!!!)

February 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterT.L.

You guys were awesome in Denver. Just the simple fact that a band takes time out of its set to support a members' solo effort is still amazing to me. Thanks for being so real up there and down in the Guild room. Really enjoyed your music, your honesty and the poop stories, well...


February 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJosh K.

Thanks for the warning, Andy. I'll keep a backup capo in my guitar case from now on :)

February 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPeter B

yeah. how the heck does one break a capo without a firm resolve to do so beforehand?

and what brand/style capo? one of those old elastic band types? that i could believe...

surely not a shubb. (why arn't you using shubbs?)

February 11, 2008 | Unregistered Commentershane blake

We wanted to let you know that there were at least two cars that drove 3 hours just to see you play and then turn around and drive 3 hours back home.

We went to the concert in Lincoln and had a great time. The technical glitches were overshadowed by the great music! It was funny to see you try to come in on one song and then look at Derek and shrug your shoulders, though. It seemed like you guys were having a good time.

We enjoyed the bonus concert at Grace Chapel too. I'm so glad we bought your Photographs and The Morning CD's. Great music and I'm glad the money is going to a good cause. We don't mind that you bought clothes instead of diapers. We approve. :)

And thanks for introducing us to Andy Gullahorn's music through your blog. Again, money very well spent. Please help us continue to make good use of our money and release more music! Thanks!

February 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWarren

I would have given my left you-know-what to see the Josh Cirque Du Soleil moment.

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSeth Ward

I was also at the Lincoln show. I noticed some of the "rough" spots but I love those moments. Reminds me that you guys, and myself too, are all human.

And the show was excellent. I've seen you guys LOTS and this night was as fun as any before.

February 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBrandon

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