Nothing says "I'm Back!" like a post of bullet points

So here we are. The Sabbatical is over. It's been nice. I feel like I have some new things to talk about. I'm going to ease back in and just give you a few random bullet points of things I'm thinking today. As always, but especially today, I love to read your comments on the awesomeness, absurdity or sheer Clay-Aiken-ness of my writings. Here we go...
- I caught the last 15 minutes of American Gladiators tonight. I'm 100% behind the writers and their strike. (They make 10% per episode on DVD what I get per song on a CD. That's the bulk of my income, so I understand and support them mightily). BUT. Bringing American Gladiators back is pretty cool. I kind of want to be on it, but it'd be a lot more fun to compete against Cliff or something than some dude named Blayz.
- I'm sitting next to a brand-new Fender Stratocaster. As of two weeks ago I'm now an official Fender endorsee. (Obligatory Link) I'm pretty excited about it. I've got a Tele and a Jazzmaster coming, but they're both backordered right now. People with real jobs can just afford to buy them. People with jobs like mine have to work for the deals. Honestly, though, it's a huge honor, they're very selective with who they work with, and it's great to get to choose the guitar that's exactly what I need to strive for my own vision. And yes, this means I'll be selling my old '78 soon. I'll keep you posted.
- Randall took me by a new barbecue place exactly two blocks from my house. This is bad news.
- Randall, and the other guys in my neighborhood, are trying to talk me into running a half marathon with them in May. I'm actually thinking about it. Why?
- Remember how I asked for advice about going to Disney World or SeaWorld? Turned out I didn't need it. We got there and were handed five-day passes to Disney World! This was awesome. I expected to roll my eyes about it while having fun watching the girls enjoy it. I was sort of right: The girls LOVED it. But so did I. It sounds cheesy, but it really is a pretty magical place. We were really grateful for the time to be there together, something we never could have afforded to do on our own. Here are a few pictures that just make me happy...

- Our TV remote's On/Off button is very hard to push. This is a good thing most of the time...
- I'm meeting soon with a couple other fellas named Andy to talk about an idea you may like.
Well, that's going to be it for today. Thanks for your patience and here's to a great new year!
- I caught the last 15 minutes of American Gladiators tonight. I'm 100% behind the writers and their strike. (They make 10% per episode on DVD what I get per song on a CD. That's the bulk of my income, so I understand and support them mightily). BUT. Bringing American Gladiators back is pretty cool. I kind of want to be on it, but it'd be a lot more fun to compete against Cliff or something than some dude named Blayz.
- I'm sitting next to a brand-new Fender Stratocaster. As of two weeks ago I'm now an official Fender endorsee. (Obligatory Link) I'm pretty excited about it. I've got a Tele and a Jazzmaster coming, but they're both backordered right now. People with real jobs can just afford to buy them. People with jobs like mine have to work for the deals. Honestly, though, it's a huge honor, they're very selective with who they work with, and it's great to get to choose the guitar that's exactly what I need to strive for my own vision. And yes, this means I'll be selling my old '78 soon. I'll keep you posted.
- Randall took me by a new barbecue place exactly two blocks from my house. This is bad news.
- Randall, and the other guys in my neighborhood, are trying to talk me into running a half marathon with them in May. I'm actually thinking about it. Why?
- Remember how I asked for advice about going to Disney World or SeaWorld? Turned out I didn't need it. We got there and were handed five-day passes to Disney World! This was awesome. I expected to roll my eyes about it while having fun watching the girls enjoy it. I was sort of right: The girls LOVED it. But so did I. It sounds cheesy, but it really is a pretty magical place. We were really grateful for the time to be there together, something we never could have afforded to do on our own. Here are a few pictures that just make me happy...

- Our TV remote's On/Off button is very hard to push. This is a good thing most of the time...
- I'm meeting soon with a couple other fellas named Andy to talk about an idea you may like.
Well, that's going to be it for today. Thanks for your patience and here's to a great new year!
Reader Comments (24)
My high school band went Disney World every year for a competition, and I have been there 3 other times that I can remember. The place has yet to grow old on me. I love it! I also love Fender products, and I am anxious to see the new axes!
the osengas + the floras = hangout time.
think about it...
Clay Aiken was sealed in a room for five years to come up with the most awesome piece of work he could ever create.
On the last day he yelled "Eureka!" and the guards flung open the doors.
Poor Clay has never been the same since his manager told him that he had spent five years behind closed doors and his best creation was the Andrew Osenga blog.
Andy O plus a couple of mystery Andy's (wonder who they could be???)
Whatever the idea I'm probably already on-board!
"Andy and the Andys"? Booyeah.
Clay Aiken debuts on broadway next week in "Spamalot" playing the role of Sir Robin. That blows my mind.
Oh, and Disneyworld rules.
Ah, yes The Andys. If it's you, Andy Peterson, and Andy Gullahorn then it will be 10x better than The Bens (Ben Folds, Ben Kweller and Ben Lee). I back this project 100%.
Super cute kids, Andy!
Hope to see you in Lincoln, NE in Feb!
Derek Webb's sister-in-law and family are long-time friends of our family, from before I was born, so that makes you and I second-cousins or something. :)
What's the barbecue place? We are always looking for new ones.
You ought to do the half-marathon. It's a worthwhile endeavor. I ran two marathons last year and am registered for the Country Music Marathon in April in Nashville. Get on board. You'll love the experience.
do the half-marathon. i did one in high school and it was a blast.
Never been to Disney World, but if it's anything like Disneyland, it's worth an annual pass. Love it!
Also, skip the marathon - do a mud run.
this is ours:
this is yours:
You run the half-marathon to be able to eat the barbecue. DUH, Andy.
My those girls are too cute!
I heart Disney World. I've gone every five years or so since I was a wee one. Looks like we're due for another visit...
Multiple Andys together on something? Oh, joy! I hope it's a concert tour that will come to Atlanta...or a CD!
I must admit, though we, too, support the writers strike, American Gladiators is mighty addictive. It's just like the old one, except the female costumes show a little more skin (eek), and there's now fire! and water! everywhere. Who needs writers when you've got all those cheesy one-liners and feel-good contender inspirational stories?! ;)
And I agree with Geoff on the BBQ/half-marathon equation.
I love that your family Disney pic has a seagull just hanging if posing to add a nice touch. ;)
I am now totally against the writers strike. I would have stopped watching Grey's Anatomy 5 weeks ago if they had kept the original schedule. I kept recording and watching every week to hear the Caedmon's song and now I am addicted to another show that I have no time to watch. CURSES!!
BTW- If you are paying for Disney they totally play mind games w/ you. You buy your tickets before you can even see the park. By the time you get off the tram and see the park, you have forgotten that you are now It truly is the happiest place on Earth.
Welcome back AO!!
Oh, Mr O.... please tell me you remember my random comment of months ago suggesting you did an "Andys" instead of a "Bens". And I think we are soon to take my 3.5 year old to Disneyland Paris... the joys of a French Mickey Mouse being condescending and rude to us are not so eagerly awaited...
All Andy's-All the time!
Now we must come up with a name...
G - ullahorn
O - senga
P - eterson
...The GOP?
Andy - no chance you were at the Magic Kingdom on Tuesday the 8th? I only ask because I was, and it'd be fun to torture myself with the knowledge in hindsight.
Hey Peter - we sure were. pretty much only on the Winnie the Pooh ride, though. So if you were on that, we were probably enjoying the same blustery day!
american gladiators was worth watching to hear 'wolf' not only howl a bunch of times but also say:
"i smell fear, i smell blood, and i'mo eat-chuu." to a contender named "big country."
Oh boy!
Let me guess.....
Andrew Peterson's new album is released.....
Andrew Osenga returns from a Spring Caedmon's tour and releases a new EP or album....
Gullahorn and Osenga open for Andrew Peterson late summer/fall tour!
If I'm right could I win a t-shirt??!? :->
Congrats on the Fender endorsement! That's awesome dude. And where is the BBQ place? Would be good for me to know since it must be 2 blocks from my house too :)