some research

Question: If you could have any sort of magical ability or super power, but just one thing, what would it be?
Also, click here for a very long, but interesting, read. I'd love to know any thoughts or other perspectives on this.
Also, click here for a very long, but interesting, read. I'd love to know any thoughts or other perspectives on this.
Reader Comments (38)
If I could have any one magical ability or super power, it would be the ability to give people flat tires on their cars with a simple thought.
Sleight of hand. It's not a super power, but if you can do it you're automatically the coolest person in the one bedroom apartment where you live with your wife. At least, that's what she TELLS me.
Sorry, but the link didn't work.
thanks for the heads up, transient, that link should work now.
two words... THE FORCE. Sure it gives you the ability to do tons of different things, but I still think it falls into the category of one superpower, technically speaking. Is that cheating?
I was gonna say reading minds, but I'd probably wish I'd never heard 99% of what I would, soooo... definitely time travel.
the power of wit and satire...kind of like Odysseus...kind of like Paris Hilton
Peace. - Caleb
The ability to park anywhere.
Telekinesis, definitely. I'm to lazy to move things with my limbs. Plus, I could move myself, meaning I could fly.
I'd love to have the ability to make Paris Hilton invisible, at least for a week or two.
oh I would totally fly.
x-ray vision.
Definitely flying! Interesting that when I was 12 I had a dream about God where I helped God out and in return he gave me my heart's desire - the ability to fly. Lots of my God dreams involve flying now!
I would shovel well. Very well.
The correct answer is wisdom, right? Although, I would choose the ability to remember whatever I wanted to remember. Not only would I rock at quiz shows, I wouldn't lose things to time.
Fly... I would definitely fly.
I would say human torch powers. Not only could I fly but I'd get all sorts of other cool abilities like being my own microwave, on the spot welding, superior crime-fighting abilities(naturally_ and of course looking stinking cool.
Or teletransport... or tele-time-transport...
How cool would it be to be able to speak any language in the world? That's what I want.
The ability to make witty christian billboards anywhere----not!
I would for sure want to fly minus vertigo.
super speed. you can't stop speed, period. it always frustrated me what a sissy they made guys like the flash.
Wow... so all those charismatic churches aren't speaking in tongues, they're actually just filled with superheroes! It's a shame they don't use their powers for good where they would do some good... like working at Wal-Mart.
The only special power that I want is to be able to live without sleeping. Yep.
As for the bit about Cheney, http://ijsm.org/archives/2007/06/24/wapo-on-dick-cheney/" rel="nofollow">I've been reading it, and he scares me. So do Rupert Murdoch and George Soros. [Maybe you got that link from me? I don't know. Who am I kidding? You probably don't read my Weblog. Casella does, though. ;) ]
A super power huh?
This one took me a while but to be completely honest I would have the ability to determine if cow tipping is a myth or fact. Then I was either make a lot of money by showing that it is real cause there is NO proof of any kind in the whole freaking world, which if there was I would pay someone 100$, or I would make it a point to let everyone know they are a pathological liar cause I don’t think any one has really ever done it. =) (not really)
the power to sweat vicariously