First Dance

Quick question: If you're married, to what song did you have your first dance?
If you're not married, what song would you like that to be? If you've been married a couple times, which song was the best? And lastly, if Matthew Perryman Jones and I were going to sing that first dance song, like we did last night, what would you like to hear?
If you're not married, what song would you like that to be? If you've been married a couple times, which song was the best? And lastly, if Matthew Perryman Jones and I were going to sing that first dance song, like we did last night, what would you like to hear?
Reader Comments (54)
I would like Julie Miller's "Jesus In His Eyes" to be played at the wedding, but it would make a nice first dance song also. I am not sure if she wrote the song or not, but I have always liked it.
Honestly every time I listen to The Morning and get to "Dance Away the City" I think to myself "Hot damn, this would be an amazing first dance song at a wedding." I hope that if I do become married my wife-to-be will feel the same way.
I love the intimacy in it. The image in the "bridge" section - "Nothing but the eyes of God / and a groom and a bride" - is not only convenient for a wedding, but speaks to me of love on the deepest level, a love shared between two people bound by their mutual love for their creator. It is redemption at its finest.
Not sure if that imagery was meant to be literal or not, but it just seems perfect for such an occasion.
My Heart will go On by Celine Dion is just great or Stolen by dashboard Confessional
We didn't have a dance following our wedding, but I made the suggestion that we recess to "Celebrate" by Kool & the Gang. ("We're gonna have a good time tonight...") Needless to say, my suggestion got shot down.
We did dance together when we returned from our honeymoon. The song was "Polka Dots and Moonbeams" by the Ray Brown Trio.
Our first dance was U2's "All I Want Is You"... unfortunately, the DJ put in the album version, not the single version. The album version is ... kinda long with all those strings at the end. Felt just a little self-concious with all those people staring at us that long.
But it was U2 and it was awesome nonetheless.
"Come Away With Me" by Norah's one of those songs that I think was written for first dances.
The first dance at our wedding was "Because You Love Me" by Celine Dion, but there is a song that the Bee Gees did called, "I Could Not Love You More"'s gorgeous.
Ours was either "Embraceable You" by the Nat Cole Trio or a Frank Sinatra song of which I can't remember the name. I think it was Nat Cole though.
Endless Love - MPJ with Diana's part and AO with Lionel's.
Congrats to the Cooleys!
Actually, of all things, my wife and I danced to "Canaan Bound" by AP ... the song meant a lot to us though (when we first heard it, said it would be an amazing song, just the love AP manages to capture in the lyrics... it's also the song I proposed to...) Just really captured the feeling of embarking together on a journey following God into the unknown... yeah, and did I mention it's a gorgeous piece of music?
We had a coffee bar reception after Linda and I got married. No first dance but we had a real good keyboard player playing classical music.
However, if we did have a first dance, it would have been "Godsend" by dc Talk.
If it were you and Matthew Perryman Jones, it would have to be "(I've Had) the Time of My Life" from the Dirty Dancing Soundtrack. I know you two could pull this off.
Bebo Norman's A Page Is Turned
I'd like you two to sing Paula Abdul's Opposites Attract.
are you flipping yourself off in your picture in the header?
oh wait now you changed pictures. Crazy
"True Companion" by Marc Cohn
My fiance and I will be first-dancing to "Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm Yours" by Stevie Wonder. I've actually requested the last song played at the reception to be "Dance Away the City" as a nice little send off.
"Fools Rush In".....and then "Just the Way You Look Tonight". Both songs we danced to at our wedding.
'When The Stars Go Blue' by Ryan Adams. So good.
I think "Dance Away the City" would be beautiful.
Christina and I danced our first dance to Norah Jones "Come Away With Me" only because her music played a big sentimental role in our dating relationship. We also intentionally picked out Eric Clapton's "Wonderful Tonight" and The Beatles' "Something" to slow dance to throughout the night, which would be good first dance choices.
my fiancee and I will be dancing to Green Eyes by Coldplay.
"I Have and Always Will" Dave Barnes.
"By My Side" by Ben Harper
My wife and I danced to "When you say nothing at all" by Alison Krauss... loved it then, loved it now.
ours was "when you say nothing at all" by Allison Krauss. I was at a wedding a few weeks ago and they danced to "I Want You to be my Love" by Over the Rhine... which was awesome.
So... what song did you guys sing?
- Greg