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last-minute Nashville show (Derek, Sandra, MPJ and me)

We are having a last-minute "old school" RUF Benefit concert here in Nashville tomorrow night. It'll be Sandra McCracken, Derek Webb, Matthew Perryman Jones and me. The show will be at Belmont beginning at 7:30pm. We are trying to raise money for the RUF Spring Break Mission/Vision trip to New York CIty so please help spread the word! Here are the details:

Monday Feb 26th at 7:30pm

Where? In the new Beaman Student Center across from Bongo Java. (#20 on this map)
We will be in Rooms A&B (which when joined together they call "C" - go figure) Anyway, it is basically in between the Curb Cafe and the climbing wall. If you went in the ground level entrance where that big stairway is facing Bongo then you would run right into it.

The four of us used to do these things fairly often a few years ago, and it will be a blast to do another one. Hope to see you there!

Reader Comments (2)

And me with a teleconference with Japan tonight. Le sigh.

February 26, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterGeof F. Morris


February 28, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBob

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