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Christmas Sale and other tidbits

A quick bit of Christmas news for you. I'm having a sale on my album The Morning. I'll be selling it for $9.99 until Christmas. All my orders are taken care of through, and they'll be shipping stuff out until the last minute. You can order a cd and have it shipped straight to a friend. Doesn't get a whole lot easier.

Except, of course, for the iTunes music store. All my albums are available there and you can send gift certificates over e-mail. You can even pick a certain song or album that can be downloaded as soon as the recipient enters the gift code. You can click on the link below, do a search for "Andrew Osenga" and pick any of my music to gift.

Click here for my webstore.

Click here to give an iTunes gift.

I make a decent portion of every sale through either store, so both choices are super helpful to me. I know some of you think about that, and I appreciate it, so I thought I'd let you know.

Also, you can still download my song "New Beginning" for free. Give it a listen. Give it to your friends, your neighbors and family.

Click here to download.

In completely unrelated news, my friend, Caedmon's drummer and our hero Todd Bragg had an accident yesterday. He was on a trampoline with his family and hit the ground through the trampoline. An ambulance had to take him to the emergency room where X-rays showed he cracked a vertabrae. He's in a lot of pain and won't be able to move nearly at all for the next few days. They say it will heal by itself, but will take 6 to 8 weeks for the bulk of it. He and his family could use your prayer and encouragement over the next couple of weeks. Add to that, today, Saturday the 16th, is his birthday.

And in further unrelated news, my blog hero Shaun Groves has just put up a new site that I think you all would enjoy. It's called the Shlog. He writes about music, theology, his family and pretty much anything else. It's the only blog I check every day. You should, too.

Well, the only other thing I have for you tonight is that after a good three or four months, our TV remote control showed up again tonight. It was under the arm of the couch that I swear I checked a hundred times. My brother-in-law Clay has longer arms, though. Thanks man. Now we can watch our six channels with complete volume and commercial-avoiding control. Which of course means I'm watching Justin Timberlake be both pretty actually funny and musically great on SNL. Smart guy. He hires GREAT bands. And now I should go to bed.

Reader Comments (2)

dude. bragg. crazy. I'm praying for that guy.

December 17, 2006 | Unregistered Commentertk

That's scary about Todd. I mean, it's good that he's gonna be okay, but ... man.

December 17, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterGeof F. Morris

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